Chapter 4

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Dipper POV

A groan escaped my lips as my eyes slowly start to open only to realize that I'm bound to a chair. My eyes widen like dinner plates. "Who tied me. . . wait where am I?" I begin to wiggle my arms attempting to loosen the tight ropes around my wrist, but they wouldn't budge.

I kept moving my arms until I heard an unfamiliar voice "I would stop if I were you" I looked around frantically looking for the owner of the voice in the darkroom. "W-who are you" I shouted out in fear. The unknown voice started to chuckle. "Don't be frightened I'm not here to hurt you" the unfamiliar voice said creepily. "T-that doesn't answer my question" I stuttered out.

"My apologies, I'm king daemon nice to meet you" the owner of the voice walked out from the dark corner bowing his head with a smirk plastered on his face. "What do you want," I asked. "I'm here to return your memories" he gave me a dark smirk when he said he will give back my memories.

What does he mean by returning my memories? The man chuckled darkly at my confused state? "How about I show you rather than tell you" the man then snap his fingers vanishing away from my sight. When he vanishes away I begin to become drowsy. Eyes shutting as darkness take over my body.

Dipper/Silas memories

"Silas want to go outside with me" a boy with red silky hair covering his left eye. A red tuxedo with a black bow tie around his pale neck. Red dress shoes matching his red tuxedo said to the small prince who is sitting on his bed as the redhead put on his blue shoes. Yes, do you have any games we can play today" the small prince asked as he got off the bed after the redhead tied his shoes. The redhead thought for a while until he came up with a game.

"How about we play tag if I win you have to eat your vegetables," the redhead said as he grabbed the little prince's hand leading him to the front gate. Silas grimaced at the mention of vegetables. Silas thought about his side of the deal until a certain someone popped into his head. A smile formed on Silas's pale face. "And if I win I get to cuddle with bill" Silas exclaimed. The redhead nodded as they made their way to their fun spot. But what they didn't know was someone was going to be missing.

(I'm gonna skip the part where it's now night time)

Narrator POV

Everyone arrived in their rooms except for bill who went to Silas's room to help him get ready for bed. When everyone started to get settled in an orange mist traveled its way throughout the castle causing people to become exhausted when they come in contact with it.

Guards begin to collapse into the ground as darkness took over them, resulting in a slightly grey hair male with a gas mask sneaking his way into the castle without interruption. The slightly greyed hair made his way to Silas's room smirking like a mad man as everyone collapsed onto the ground as he passes by.

Once the male arrived at Silas's room he unlocked the door with a pin he had in his light brown lab coat. He messed with the lock until he heard a *click* sound that's signaled him that the door was now unlocked. The masked man cheered in his head when he saw the small prince on the ground in a dark blue nightgown.

Next to Silas was bill who was on his knees close to passing out from the mysterious orange mist. Bill crawled his way to Silas, stretching his hand out to grab Silas. The only thing in bill's mind is "protect". He halted when he heard a familiar voice from behind him. "Long time no see bill cipher," the masked man said as he kicked bill on his back knocking him down to the ground. Ford walked up to Silas, picking him up bridle style.

"DON'T TOUCH HIM SIXER" bill yelled turning red in anger. Ford became annoyed with bill's presence. Ford grabbed a furry blue blanket quickly wrapping silas with it. Ford turned on his heel walking out of the room without taking a glance at bill who was trying to make his way towards ford.

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