Chapter 15

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3rd POV

Silas was sleeping on yoru lap after visiting his mom. His head against yoru shoulders, one of his hands on his stomach while the other was hanging from his side. Yoru couldn't help but admire him more. He couldn't wait until they leave this place, away from his so-called "Father". Yoru gently took hold of Silas's hands from his stomach and lifted his hands towards his lips. Placing a sweet and gentle kiss on his hands. 'Don't worry Silas I'll protect you especially from my "father".

Silas gently squeezed yoru hands surprising him. Yoru looked at Silas to see he is still asleep. Silas again squeezed yoru hand. 'He still unconscious. Maybe I should go to the dreamscape. Yoru laid Silas down on his bed and soon laid right next to him falling asleep.

In the mindscape

Silas POV

"That was hard," I said to bill who walked up to me and rub my back. "You did a good job, Silas. Moving your body to your will is hard, but you did it" bill complimented. After bill said that yoru appeared right in front of me and bill. "Welcome back. Now let's get started on business!" Bill said clapping his hands. "Alright, Silas I already know what King Daemon told you. And what he did to you" bill growled at the end same with Yoru.

I shivered at the mention of King daemon. The way he touched me felt so, Disgusting. "Y-yeah. . . what are we going to do about it? I mean he knows what we're talking about." I exclaimed. "That's where I come in" Yoru answered. I looked confused. "He walked up to me whispering in my ear. " I can take people of my choice my place. My 'father' doesn't know about it. There we can go to the mindscape without anyone powerful can get in no matter how many times they try."

I looked at him amazed. There's something like this!? How come I have never been told about this. "Can we try it?!" I asked eagerly. Both bill and your chuckle at my excitement. "Sure" Yoru snapped his fingers sending us to a beautiful and cozy place. "This was where I was going to take you, but since my 'father' threaten you using your mom, I'm gonna have to make another plan. Taking her would be harder since my father is acting as if he loves her"

He rolled his eyes. "Straight to the point." He snapped his fingers summoning chairs circling a small coffee table. "Alright, this is how it's going to go, we........"

(You guys will see what will happen soon. Don't worry)

After he finished explaining the plan. I was I little scared, but feel like it's going to work. We just have to wait until bill fully heals which is in a couple of hours. "Alrighty, is all of us ok with this plan especially you Silas?" Bill asked. "Yes, although I'm a bit scared I think we can do it" I answered honestly. "We get it. It's something you will have to do even after what he did, but I believe you can do this." Yoru reassured me. I thanked him before we decided we should head back.

I hugged bill before disappearing out of the mindscape with Yoru. I woke up to Yoru spooning me. I started to get embarrassed and started blushing like crazy. 'Oh gosh! He's spooning me! He's spooning me!' I think I'm about to have a gay panic. "Are you know" a deep husky voice said in my ear. I squeaked hurriedly jumping off the bed.

Yoru started laughing. "Hot- I mean... U uhh" Yoru laughed at me harder. I turned my head trying to hide the blush making its way to my cheeks. "I'm going to g-get dress" Immediately I rushed to the closet grab the clothes of my choice and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Yoru POV

I chuckled when he rushed to the bathroom. He just so cute when he gets flustered. I don't think he processed that I read his mind yet... Eh, I'll let him figure it out on his own. When I was about to get up and change a knock was heard. I sighed already knowing who it is. I open the door to see the brat herself. "What do you want Mabel," I said with annoyance.

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