" Good Bye Dream "

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There probably won't be tons of updates this week but when there is there will be a few since school is being a bitch and giving me tons of work :)
This is angst
Techno visits Dream in prison.


No one's PoV

The lava slowly lowering.
" Get ready Technoblade," Sam said from behind the hybrid as a platform started to come forward from the entrance of Dream's cube cell.
Technoblade stepped onto the plan form.
The pinkette looked down at the bubbling lava underneath him before looking forward his blood-red eyes meeting now dull forest green eyes.
He stepped off the platform and waited for the lava to rise again. Once the lava rose the wall between the two lowered.
Technoblade walked in.
" I missed you, Did you know that, " The hybrid said looking at his beloved.
The other looked at him before breaking their gaze.
" Hmph I guess not " the other huffed
" This ain't the end Dream, Your life doesn't just end here," Technoblade said.
" And what is keeping it from ending? I'm in a black cube surrounded by molten lava Technoblade, The only thing in here is Tommy's stupid books " Dream said.
" Do I not mean anything to you Dream? All the things I have done for you all the things you have done for me? What about doomsday when we fought side by side withers and TNT flying around us but we didn't care because we had each other. I defended you so many times I helped you as much as you helped me! " The taller yelled taking a step forward.
" Oh please don't give yourself so much credit Techno. You are nothing without me I brought you into this server I helped you I gave you god apples netherite I helped you and apparently, you returned that but it's not that way " The blond lazily said.
Technoblade took a step back to process his lovers words he didn't mean it right?
Technoblade shook his head.
" This is the part where you apologise Dream," Technoblade said his voice monotone showing no emotion but his eyes told a different story.
" This is the part where you leave Technoblade " Dream responded.
Technoblade looked at him tears threatening to fall but he didn't let them.
" Fine " Techno said turning around.
" Awe is this too much for little technoblade "
Dream said in a voice you would talk to a baby with.
Technoblade sighed " YES! Yes, it is Dream it pains me to see you just give up! It hurts me to see you like this all the things you should e said to me tonight it hurts me and I know this ain't you but you know what I give up on this it's over if you just want to give up I'll do the same " The pinkette was surprised at his own words and so was the blond.
The blond turned around not wanting to look at the other.
" SAM! IM DONE " Technoblade yelled.
He watched as the lava lowered as the platform came back.
" This is goodbye Dream," The pinkette said as he stepped onto the platform.


:) angst is fun

Anyways have some water a snack and some sleep bc I know yours is rubbish yeah I'm talking to you.

Word count: the amount of bitches I get

Oh and umm Mr Beast on Dream's YT story?

Oh and umm Mr Beast on Dream's YT story?

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