Blood For The Blood God

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Character death :(
Angst OOooOoOO
Enjoy babes
I honestly don't know why Sam is mad at dream in this use your imagination:)

No one's PoV

" Awe Sam what are you gonna do? Kill me? " The masked man mocked
" Do I look like I care? " The man said again
" Dream," The creeper hybrid said in a stern voice
" Stop now or I will be forced to take your last life, " The hybrid said with no emotion for his old friend.
" Do it " Dream pushed.
Sam took out his netherite sword.
A moment later everyone on the sever got a ping of there communication devices ' Dream was slain by Awesamdude '

Phil's PoV

" Hey Phil " Technoblade smiled at me as I entered his home
" How are you doing tech? " I asked tilting my head slightly
" Meh the best I can be with a boyfriend in an inescapable prison " He joked, I smiled sadly at him.
" Cmon let's go check on the bees " I proposed trying to cheer up the hybrid.
He nodded as we walked out heading to the bee hut.
We got inside checking all the hives and making sure the bees were healthy, we walked outside before getting a ping from our communication devices
' Dream was slain by Awesamdude '
I stared wide-eyed before looking up at techno his face showing no emotion
" Techno I know what you're thinking it's not a good idea " I rushed.
Technoblade looked me in the eyes, tears were threatening to spill
" He's- He's gone, Phil...Forever " Techno said his voice cracking a tiny bit, I was taken back a bit surprised that he wasn't boiling with rage.
" Hey it's okay don't worry " I smiled reassuringly
Techno shook his head pushing past me and running inside his house. I followed and saw him making potions and fixing his armour to full durability.
" Techno please don't do this Dream wouldn't want this " I tried to reason
" Phil... Dream's Dead it doesn't matter anymore " Techno responded picking up the axe of peace ( I know sap stole it let's just ignore that ) and walking past me picking up one of Dream's old shields.
" I'll be back Phil don't worry, " He said before shutting the door.
" What have you done Sam," I said to myself
Watching the man in royal clothing walk away into the snow.

* Time skip *

Technoblade's PoV

I stepped into the nether portal the purple flooding my vision.

I walked along the cobblestone path, The heat from lava and fire was comforting.

I entered the nether portal and a moment later I was looking at the community house that was now fixed again.
I tightened my grip on my axe and started walking.
I was now on the prime path, I passed Puffy and Fundy they both smiled at me I didn't return it my expression cold.

I walked past Tommy's house the blond immediately running up to me " Hey Blade umm you wanna go umm mining to the nether? " He rushed out knowing what was about to happening. I ignored him and walked passing skeppy's house and standing outside Pandora's vault. ( I know Sam needs to like open it but let's just make it that techno can just walk in )
I walked inside the prison seeing the creeper hybrid standing behind the front desk
" oh.. h-hey Technoblade " Sam stammered out his voice dripping with nervousness.
" You must know why I'm here? Yes " I asked swinging my axe.
" I don't know why you are here Technoblade," Sam said his voice no longer showing his emotion.
I scoffed " Well Then you must be surprised that Dream is no longer here," I said tightening my grip on the axe.
I walked closer to Sam my boots hitting the ground being the only sound.
" Why don't you come out from behind that desk and face me, Sam," I said my voice cold.
The man didn't move.
" I don't want to repeat myself," I said sternly.
The hybrid walked out from behind the desk and stood in front of me.
Something just snapped inside me.
" You... You killed the only thing I cared about the only person I actually loved " I said pushing him making him stumble slightly.
" Techno-" Sam tried to reason but failed.
" you couldn't just let him be he was already in prison for life! " I yelled.
" You know what Sam? " I said
" what? " he asked his voice quiet.
" you wanted to be the hero you wanted Tommy to look at you like a god " I spat
" You wanted people to worship the ground you walk on because you ended someone's life that they hated" I continued
I lifted my axe, Sams's eyes widened and he froze in place.
I brought the axe down on Sam, A ping came from my communicator, I knew what it was
'Awesamdude was slain by Technoblade with [ The Axe of peace ] '

Sam respawned but not in the prison. I hugged and walked out of the prison passing skeppys house again.
" Technoblade! Stop " Someone said I ignored them.
They wanted blood the voices demanded it who was I to say no to them.

I entered the nether again and after a few moments, I was outside Sam's house.
I farmed the piece of land making the red stone door open.
Sam stood in front of me with a sword in hand.
" Oh is someone going to fight back? Finally " I smiled walking towards the hybrid once more.
Sam rushed forward I dogged his hit moving to the left.  He then ran at me again he only his my shoulder damaging my armour slightly.
I quickly hit his side with my axe making him stumble upon impact.
After a few dodges, and hits Sam was finally pinned against the wall my axe to his throat ( 😏 kinky )
" Techno please " The other begged.
" Sam, do you wanna know something that I was told? " I asked.
The man didn't respond.
" Well I was told you either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain "

Bruhh did you guys see Dreams song? It's such a danger I love it. PmBata did so good too.
Anyway there probs won't be a chapter out for a few days since I'm behind on school work and I have the doctors tomorrow for some shot idk.
Word count:1070
Have a nice day/night drink some water have a nap and a little snack :]
Night! Or morning! OR Afternoon!

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