Coming home

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My grandad was telling me stories about his time in the military and this idea popped into my head
Military Technoblade
Angst? Fluff? Both!

Dreams PoV
I sat on my couch shaking slightly
" Dream I'm sure it's fine we don't know if the IED got him " SapNap tried to calm me down
" I-what about Phil and everyone else " I was referring to Technos brothers and father.
" they also got a call about it, " SapNap said rubbing circles in my back.
" What if he doesn't come home " I whimpered
" Dream he will he's a strong man he's Technoblade "
Sapnap smiled.

I calmed down after a while Sapnap comforting me.

" Hey Phil just called and said they were coming over," Sapnap said putting his phone back into his
Pocket. I nodded and zoned out while watching a random tv show.
I was taken out of my trance by a knock at the door.
" I'll get it, " I said standing up and walking over to the door, opening it.
" Oh hey Phil, Wilbur and Tommy" I greeted stepping aside letting them in.
" hey," Wilbur said
" Sup green man " Tommy responded.
We all sat on the couches I sat beside Sapnap while the other three sat on the other couch.
We talked about life and plans for the week together.

Technoblade's PoV

I was finally going home. I was stationed in Afghan and haven't been home in 3 years. I sat on the plane, only a few other people are on the plane. An IED whipped out most of our platoon
But they didn't know who survived and who didn't so our families are heartbroken not knowing if they are going to see their children, siblings or significant others.
Only one of my buddy's survived which is Schlatt.
" Hey, you okay techno? " Schlatt asked from beside me
" Yeah yeah I'm fine just thinking, haven't seen my family in what? 3 years " I said rubbing my face.
" Yeah can't wait to see my wife. You got a girlfriend back home ? " he asked ( I know schlatt isn't married just roll with it )
" No, I have a boyfriend I miss him so much though " I responded causing schlatt to hum in agreement.
We talked about going home since we both lived in California. I fell asleep a few hours into the plane ride.

" lieutenant we landed, " someone said causing me to wake up.
" Okay thank you," I said grabbing my heavy bag
" Hey schlatt," I said walking beside the brunette as we got our other bags
" yeah what's up ? " he asked
" do you have a ride? " I asked
" Yeah my wife is picking me up," he said
" do you think she will be okay with dropping me home I want to surprise them, " I asked
" Yeah dude that's fine cmon she should be here by now " he smiled starting to walk away.

We got in the car " Thank you so much for dropping me home " I said to schlatt's other half
" It's fine I'm sure your family will be happy to see you back home safe " She smiled starting the car and driving away.

After about half an hour I was in front of my home. I grabbed my back and hugged schlatt promises bc that we will meet up and thanked his wife for the lift.
I stood in front of the door ( he's still in his military uniform)
I knocked.
" I'll get it " I heard someone yell a moment later I saw a young blond in a red and white t-shirt
" he- TECHNO " He yelled hugging me
" you're alive!? " he said hugging me tighter
" what's wrong Tommy? " I looked up seeing my older brother
He smiled brightly " Your alive fucking hell I thought you were dead," he said hugging me
" Cmon Tommy let him in, " Wilbur said wiping the tears from his eyes.
I picked up my bags and shut the door
" Who's at the door and what's taking so long I wanna finish the movie " Someone yelled.
" Cmon let's go surprise everyone " Wilbur smiled as he and Tommy walked away I followed my bags still in hand.
" Jesus took you two long enough, " someone said
Before turning around to look at the other two
" TECHNO!? " the man yelled smiling
" that's my name, " I said smiling as the man ran up and hugged me " Jesus I missed you so much," he said tears falling down his cheeks.
" missed you too dream, " I said
" what's all the commotion about, " someone said walking inform the kitchen a cup in hand
" Techno?? Your back " the older man smiled putting the cup down and walking over hugging me.
We all sat down on the couches
" We thought you " I cut Tommy off
" Toms I'm alive wand safe that's all that matters " I smiled at the younger
" I missed you guys," I said as Dream cuddled into my shoulder
" We missed you to techno," Phil said

I didn't know who else to put in the army and I mean schlatt gives military vibes he would defo be your mean training corporal you can't deny it.
I rlly liked this idea Of techno being military ngl
Word count:862

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