" How could you "

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This chapter is based on the Dream SMP festival a few things are changed
Good luck :)
The same as all my chapters this book does not intend to put any pressure onto anyone written about .
No one's PoV

" Techno Please don't do it " Niki pleaded
TechnoBlade stood on the stages crossbow pointed at Tubbo
" I'm sorry Tubbo " He said then shot the firework
" NOO TUBBO " Niki yelled clinging onto Eret
Schlatt smiled at the spot Tubbo once stood
" Now that that's out of the way we shall carry on "


" Wilbur you can't do This " Dream said
" Why not, L'manberg has betrayed me they deserve it " Wilbur chuckled smiling sinisterly
" What about Niki what about everything and everyone you loved and worked for, " Dream said
" All that means nothing to me Dream and it should be the same for you," He said anger in his voice
Dream Looked at him shocked
" Wilbur what about Tommy Or Fundy you're son are you just going to blow him up like a spec of dirt ! " Dream yelled his hands balled up into fists
Wilbur looked at Dream Hate and anger burning in his eyes " HAHAHA you really think I Care ! About them they MEAN NOTHING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HAHA " he laughed like a crazy person, Dream looked at him horror all over his face
" Wilbur Please this is my home, Our home " Dream pleaded
" at least let me get people out of the festival " He looked Wilbur in the eyes, Wilbur almost making Dream flinch
" You have five minutes then I blow this place up " He laughed

Dream ran as fast as he could

The crowd turned to screaming and people getting shoved and pushed

TechnoBlade ran up to Dream
" What happened?!? " Techno asked frantically
" Wilbur's gone insane " Dream said
" Why were you even with him ? " Techno asked forgetting about the life threatening situation they were both in
" I knew what he was going to do and I tried stopping him I guess I'm not that persuasive " He chuckled nervously
Techno nodded then grabbed Dream by the arm and ran towards the entrance of the festival " Wait ! " Dream shouted stopping
" What? "
" I need to make sure everyone is out " Dream said
" Dream there is no time " Techno said not wanting his lover going back it to the festival that will be blow up any minute
" It's fine I'll be quick " He gave Techno a reassuring smile and ran back into the festival leaving Techno at the entrance in safety......

Then... BOOM!

Techno stared in shock
" DREAM!!! " he yelled tears falling down his face like a waterfall
He Ran in after he didn't hear any more TNT
After ten minutes of searching he spotted a neon green jumper
No no no please no....
He lifted the piece of wood and there laid his lover Dream covered in his own blood
He crumbled his knees weak he fell to the ground and hugged him
" TECHNO, DREAM!?!! " he heard someone yelling
" Techno ? " Technoblade looked behind him seeing SapNap and George
" He-he didn't make it " Techno said in between tears
George and Sapnap looked at the limp body of his best friend
" No no no Dream can't die " George choked out, SapNap hugged George while he clung to his jumper
" Let's get him out of here " SapNap said walked with George
Techno nodded and picked up Dream

The trio made it back to SapNap house since it was the closest
" Lay him over there " SapNap pointed to a bed
Techno laid him down and the tears started falling again
He then sat with George and Sapnap

After a while something snapped in him, his eyes showing rage his face Turing into a scowl
" Techno ? " George said

Techno stood up ignoring the two men who gave him worried looks ( yeah they kinda juts left Dream for now if u are confused Dream is dead ) and ran out of the house

Techno looked around the festival seeing that it was still burning
He then spotted a man in a brown cloak
He walked up to the man

" Wilbur Soot you took the only thing I cared about away " he growled and pulled out his sword....


Woah angst AGAIN
Yall know I love sad stuff :)
Word count : 785
Oop- Insane Wilbur and Livid Techno
Half proof read :)

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