" Do it, Kill me "

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Character death :) BLOOD AND GORE WARNING KINDA ‼️‼️‼️ Please this may trigger you this has death in it. I had to take a small break because of it nothing to graphic like blood and gore but it's sad and detailed??? ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
ANGST WOOO dream does only have one life but I'm too lazy to write his death scenes and it's not the same idk ???????
Dream isn't in prison in this bc it makes my life easier
No one's PoV  PoV

Dream stared at the group of people in glowing netherite, Walking out the portal into the cave.
" it's inevitable I'm going to get what I want " dream smiled swinging his  axe
" You a silly man if you think you're going to win Dream," Sam said
" Oh but Sam I already have won you just haven't seen what I have done yet " Dream said
Causing everyone to be confused
" Why do you think I brought everyone far away from the SMP far away from everything " Dream took a step forward
" What did you do Dream," Ponk asked aggressively
" oh Ponkie " The man froze at the nickname
" it only took a few pieces of TNT " Dream said
" It's not that big of a deal if you ask me it's just I don't think L'manberg is the only thing not saveable.
TNT is a powerful thing " Dream continued
" It all just a game isn't it, " SapNap asked
" Oh sappy it was always just a game even from the start " Dream lifted his mask slightly revealing his psychotic smile
" It's just a big fun game of chess. Everyone here is just a pawn " Dream said pulling a pawn out of his pocket
" That's all you are a pawn for me to sacrifice " Dream looked at Sapnap, He froze under Dreams gaze
" You won't hurt anyone again Dream after we get you into the prison," Sam said straightening himself
" Ha that's funny think you all can take me down that easily " Dream laughed
" There is no doubt in my mind we can't Dream " Sam spat
" Oh, Sam you do realise I'm much more powerful than you think " the masked man chuckled to himself.
" Dream of you just stop this little game then everything can go back to normal everything " SapNap pleaded.
Dream's masked face stared at the ravenette.

Dream laughed before pulling something out of his pocket throwing it on the ground. Suddenly there was lime green smoke everywhere making everyone cough. Dream laughed maniacally his frightening voice filled the cave, then the sound of an ender pearl being throw filled their ears for a moment the laughing stopping and the smoke clearing showing everyone that the crazed man was no longer in their sight. " Fuck! " Sam yelled in frustration.

Dream ran and ran before he finally made it to a familiar cabin in the snow.
He walked inside, seeing the hybrid sitting on the couch reading a book.
" Hey love " The pinkette smiled lovingly at the masked man
" can you come outside Techno? Please " The other asked.
Technoblade looked confused but agreed.
The hybrid put his red cape around his shoulders before following the blond outside into the snow.
" Why did you wanna come or side? " Techno asked.
Dream took off his mask throwing it to the side.
He looked up at technoblade before handing him his sword.
" what does this mean I'm confused, " Techno asked
"....Kill me," Dream said quietly looking down at his feet.
" what? " The taller asked
" Kill me! Do it " Dream snapped his head up looking the pinkette in the eyes.
" Please I don't deserve to be alive " Dream cried
" I can't I love you, Your the love of my life Dream please don't make me do this " Techno pleaded
Sure he could just not kill Dream but he knew the other would just die at the hands of someone who hated the blond.
" Techno please I know it will be better here without me "  Dream pleaded.
Technoblade loved him he truly did and what would happen To him without his lover and best friend by his side. He didn't even want to know.
" Please just stab me stab me right here " Dream put his hand above his heart.
" I- Dream I don't want to do this your my best friend your my boyfriend what will I do without you," Techno said tears streaming down his face.
" Do what you did before me be the fierce blood god
Be the Blade " Dream said.
Technoblade hugged the other sword in hand.
The voices screamed at him.
Blood for the blood god
Do it kill him!
Be the blade

Technoblade hugged tighter before letting go
" I love you," He said into Dreams ear.
" I love you too " Dream smiled.
Technoblade closed his eyes thrusting his hand forward feeling the sword puncture his...lover.
He heard a thud and opened his eyes.
Dream later lifeless on the snow-covered grass.
Technoblade fell to the ground and sobbed holding the others hand. The white snow slowly turning red with blood.

Welp that was fun to write.
Are we just gonna forget that Dream wrote SELF INSERT Percy Jackson fanfic... This man is full of surprises.
When writing the end I had to stop bc I thought of the day on the DSMP that technoblade will die and I just don't wanna think of that rn no thanks 😃 like cmon didn't see say the day he will die blah blah idk but I saw some art of techno sitting on the ground next to Philzas grave then one of Ranboo sitting on the ground next to phils and Technos LIKE NO THANKS NOT TODAY I DONT WANNA DEAL WITH THAT.
Word count: more than my bank balance 🥴

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