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- Chapter 21 -

Everything hurts. My head is pounding, my limbs are weak, my knees are scraped up. But what hurts most is my heart. It feels broken. Like daggers had been swiftly thrown into it, one by one carving deeper into my beating flesh. Why did I run away? Why would I leave Megumi behind as the curse is currently tormenting him? I should've stayed and helped him battle it like the sorcerer I am.

And now, I'm lost in the forest.

What the hell should I do?

I swiveled my head in every direction as I stared up at the towering trees, trying to recall the direction in which I came from. Could it be that way? I faced in the direction of a small trail that led into the depths of the darkening forest. No. What about this way? I turned around and now faced a more welcoming path with small shrubs leading the way. Seems promising.

I sighed to myself and started toward the path, beginning to pick up my pace. I began to feel a growing ball of tension well up inside my stomach as I lunged forward. It seemed that as though with every step I took, the presence of a curse grew larger and larger on my shoulders. Yup, this is the right way.

I continued lunging forward, not caring about anything except for reaching him. Hang in there Megumi. I'll be there any second. I'll be there soo-

Then, before I could even finish my thought, I stumbled out of the bushes, right to the familiar spot where I had left Megumi, where I had last sprinted away, leaving him behind.


My heart pounded profusely in my chest as I quickly began to realize the situation. My eyes searched and searched for Megumi. But all I saw was Jogo. He was turned the other way, his back facing me. All I saw was his sickly neon, yellow-spotted attire and the outline of his volcanic head. Had he not noticed me? Sensed me?

I took a step forward, attempting to keep it quiet, when I stepped on a twig, snapping it in half. He immediately turned around, his sudden attention feeling like an entire ton being dropped on my back. His presence was unreal, beyond any other I've experienced.  It was similar to the one at the cafe, but this time instead of burning pain, it was crushing pain. As if my body and lungs were stuck under a heavy-weight object.

He flashed me a large charcoal grimace, his jet black, disgusting teeth giving me chills. He was the definition of evil. I could sense his sinister aura eating away at my own.

My eyes quickly darted to his hand, which he held out beside him, grasping something. No. Grasping someone.


The daggers in my heart instantly began stabbing me, my eyes filling up with tears at what I saw before me; Megumi's limp body being held like a rag doll in Jogo's hand. The curse's fingers tightened around Megumi's neck, making him appear as fragile as a porcelain doll. So fragile, that with one swift movement, his neck could be snapped like a twig.

The mere thought caused all of the air to escape my lungs, leaving my mouth agape, I was speechless. "MEGUMI!!" I managed to yell out in a hoarse voice, pure terror and shock pervading my veins.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, girl," the curse spat at me, his evil grimace widening. "I'll kill your cute little boyfriend here if you come any closer."

Love's Curse - Megumi Fushiguro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now