New mission

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- Chapter 17 -

"Attention, class! I believe it is important you are all informed that there is currently a special grade curse roaming around Tokyo."

No shit.

The charismatic voiced Gojo Sensei continued speaking at the front of the classroom, sitting at his desk with his legs perched up on the table.
"He's a funny lookin' guy. Easy to notice. Just lookout for a volcanic-like structure of a head and... oh yeah! if it starts to get really hot in a room, get outta there immediately."

My mind started to race, recalling what the volcanic creature looked like when I last caught of glimpse of it that day at the cafe. Jogo, I believe, was his name.

"Jogo. Is his name!" Gojo sensei exclaimed from his desk, shuffling a few yellow folders around in his hands. "I will be assigning two students to the case."

My heart suddenly started to pound at the thought of myself being a possible candidate for the next mission that Gojo would soon announce. If I get selected, will I be able to physically and mentally battle this curse? It is a special grade, after all.

Gojo sensei unwrapped his legs from one another and gingerly set his feet on the floor, standing up tall at the front of the classroom. He began walking slowly toward the front row desks, which consisted of Nobara and me. But before he reached my table, he spun around and walked up to the blackboard, scribbling down two names.




My heart dropped at the sight of my name on the board. I had my eyes practically glued to my name, not realizing the other one that was scribbled below it. When my eyes glanced over his name, I felt a sudden sense of relief wash over my body, soothing my nerves. In the past, I would get nervous even at the sight of his name. But now, I felt as though with him, I could get through anything.

I glanced over at Nobara, her warm eyes locking with mine. With her desk right next to mine, I could practically hear her thoughts. Her cheeks were raised, revealing a bright smile. She clapped a hand over her mouth and quietly giggled to herself. She always supported Megumi and I, she wanted us to be together because she knew how much I like him. I flashed a smile at her, but quickly focused my attention back to Gojo sensei when I heard his footsteps approach our desks.

"Kugisaki I see you're laughing! What's so funny?" he asked curiously, bending his tall frame over her desk to look down at her. She abruptly held her head up high, wiping any traces of laughter from her expression.

Wow. She's really good at that...if it were me, I'd still be laughing.

"It's nothing, sir. I just remembered something funny at the most random time," she claimed, shrugging her shoulders in a casual manner. He bent himself closer to her, tilting his head in curiosity. "Kugisaki, I wasn't born last night. But I'll let this one slide."

He turned around and strutted back to his desk, leaving her with a relieved expression. Her eyes flicked back up to mine, a small smile reappearing back onto her lips. With her index finger, she pointed to the black board, winking an eye at me and wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. I rolled my eyes at her and smiled.

I swiveled my neck around slowly, turning my head to get a view at the back of the classroom where Megumi sat. He was sitting like usual, his head resting on his palm, playing with his pen, when suddenly his bright green orbs flicked up to mine. No matter how used to those eyes I was, they always made a chill dance along my spine whenever they met mine.

Has he not seen the board yet?

I motioned at the board, trying to show him that we're partners in crime for the new mission. He flashed me a confused expression, then his eyes drew away from mine, focusing themselves onto the board. Once his eyes read over the letters of our names on the board, his face filled with a certain expression. One I wasn't familiar with.

He seemed happy, but there was another emotion hiding behind it. I couldn't decipher what it was. It was like he had wiped all emotion from his demeanor, only keeping the corners of his lips tugged slightly upward. He looked at me and nodded, turning his attention back to the pen that was in his hand. It seemed as though in this moment, that pen was the most interesting thing in the world.

Is he not happy to be paired with me?

A small pit began to form in my stomach, growing larger with every passing second. I frowned down at my paper, doodling a few small clouds in between the blue lines. I drew a few rain droplets coming out of them, slowly trickling across the canvas.

I realized that I was doodling what I felt. Almost as if real rain clouds had formed over my head, casting a dark shadow over me.

A few images of his face flashed in my mind, that mysterious expression of his plastered in my brain.

What was that hidden emotion? Why wasn't he happy?

My mind continued to race, and I began asking myself millions of questions, beginning to doubt myself, my own strength and actions. But my thoughts were halted when I heard the classroom door open and then close, a small thud echoing throughout the room.

I looked back, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion at what I saw. No, at the absence of a certain someone, I was puzzled.

Megumi had left the room, taken all of his stuff, and just...left. Not a trace of him left behind, almost like he had never even been in the room to begin with. Am I imagining things? Was he ever even here in the first place?

I blinked and rubbed my eyes, opening then back up again to his empty chair, his presence completely vanished from the room. With his presence gone, I felt my stomach sink deeper. Did I do something to make him leave?

I heard a loud tapping sound on my desk, causing me to jolt my body forward. Before me, I saw Gojo sensei crouching down in front of my desk, his face level to mine. 

"Usually when I assign a case, it means now. People are dying, y/n. Do you think this curse will be exorcised with you just sitting here with your mouth open?" His serious tone shocked me, the once light and friendly Gojo sensei had turned into a more serious one.

"Now go, follow Fushiguro. You two better kill that damned thing."

My throat suddenly closed, the knot making me incapable of saying anything. I simply nodded and began packing all of my stuff, feeling my face flush red in embarrassment. I was seriously just sitting there, so unaware of what was happening, that I forgot the obvious. Duh, he left because we just got assigned to a case. God, I'm so of it.

Once I finished packing my stuff, I made my way to the classroom door, opening it, and taking one last glance at Nobara before leaving. She gave me a confident smile, nodded once, and held her fist in the air.

"You got this y/n" she mouthed.

I nodded at her and put on my game face, walking out into the hallway confidently.

The image of my best friend continued replaying in my mind, her encouragement helping me muster what was to come. I pictured her as she mouthed the words, the thought helping me feel stronger with every passing moment that I walked towards the double doors at the end of the hallway.

You got this y/n.

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