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- Chapter 15 -

When I woke up again, I noticed a distinct scent coming from something warm and soft around me. It was my favorite scent in the world, notifying me that he was still here. That manly, minty fresh scent that I loved so much and had grown so familiar with, was swirling up into my nose, making me bury my head into the warm fabric that was in front of me, which was his shirt.

I opened my eyes and revealed that I was still sitting in his lap where I had fallen asleep. I looked up at him, only to find those gorgeous eyelashes of his resting on the tops of his cheeks, his eyelids draped over his green gaze. He was asleep, his arms still wrapped around me. I attempted to move my legs slightly, and felt that they had regained a bit of movement, but still felt weak at the knees.

My temporary moment of happiness was disrupted when noticed a certain tightness on my cheeks from all of my dried tears, as I began to recall all of the memories from the cafe. A large pit took shape in my stomach, making me feel queasy.

I slowly freed myself from his grasp and began slowly crawling towards the coffee table in the center of my room, my knees dragging on the smooth wood of the floor.

I only had one feeling rushing through my veins. Determination.  Determination to crush that damn can and make it known that I am a sorcerer. I can do this and I will.

I adjusted myself in front of the table to sit in a criss-cross position and began arranging the cans in a straight line. I picked up the fourth can and began moving it over to the others when it suddenly slipped through my fingers, making a loud sound as it landed on the floor. I froze, immediately turning my attention to Megumi, who was still slouched against the door. I watched as his body twitched and his eyes fluttered open. He slightly furrowed his eyebrows and squinted his eyes at me. I still sat there frozen, feeling slightly guilty for waking him up.

Once he realized it was me, he slowly brought himself up to his feet, stretching his arms once he was up. "What are you doing, y/n?" he asked, walking over to me, his hand over his mouth as he yawned. "Practicing," I said quietly, picking up the can that had fallen on the floor and placing it by the others.

He nodded his head and sat on the sofa by where I was on the floor, resting his elbows on his knees to get a better look at the arrangement on the table.

To be honest, I was so determined and focused on the cans that I didn't feel myself blush or get all flustered like usual. I mean yes, he was right next to me, like very close to me, but I was more focused on my goal in this moment.

I took a deep breath, filling my lungs completely with air, and then exhaled, feeling all of the warm air escape my nostrils. I closed my eyes as I took another deep breath, taking in the complete darkness of my eyelids. I let the feeling of complete tranquility engulf my being, but focused on the rage that consumed my soul. I began forcing myself to recall all of the occurrences at the cafe. I remembered the barista's pretty smile, my steaming cup of green tea, and even that nostalgic coffee scent that was so apparent in any coffee shop.

Then, hell. Burning, stinging, scorching heat. Pure pain. I felt as though I was reliving that nightmare, even my hands began shaking, but I balled them up, feeling my fingernails dig into the palms of my hands.

I remembered the heavy, breathtaking presence of the curse. One that was so heavy, like back-breaking sandbags weighing down on my shoulders. I pictured the blurry memory of myself in terror, running out of the cafe. I remembered the tears streaming down my face, the aching of my muscles, the amused faces of those passing next to me on the street, wondering why I was running away. I remembered myself crying with my back pressed to the door with no one to comfort me, no one to tell me it's okay.

But then, his embrace was present in my mind again. I remembered how warm he was, how comforting he was, cradling me, telling me it's not my fault.

A single tear streamed down my cheek. It slowly made its way down my skin, stopping at my jaw, and formed a small droplet, waiting to fall.

I opened my eyes and focused my vision on the cans. I felt a heavy weight being suddenly lifted off of my chest, almost like I had regained a sense that had been hidden for so long. It was this energy that consumed my soul, a bright one that I sensed wrap entirely around my being, like an aura.

I clenched my fists tighter, narrowing my eyes at the cans. Right in front of my eyes, I witnessed as all four of the cans crumpled into a ball. They crumpled into a ball so tiny that I thought they had disintegrated completely.

My eyes widened at what had just happened before me. I felt my jaw drop as a rush of elation suddenly rumbled through my body. I quickly turned to look at Megumi, who was sitting wide-eyed next to me. His eyes were fixated on the aluminum balls that were once cans. Then, his eyes quickly flicked to mine.

"I did it," I said, smiling up at him.

I did it.

Love's Curse - Megumi Fushiguro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now