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- Chapter 12 -

Megumi's point of view

We ended up watching all of the movies I brought, which took almost 6 hours. I have no idea what time it is, but I do know she's definitely made a bit of progress, considering my divine dog only barked once or twice the entire night.

The ending credits for the final movie were flashing on the screen, so I clicked the tv off and stood up from the sofa. I noticed that she hadn't said anything in a while, so I figured she had fallen asleep. Glancing over at her, I found out that I was right. She was fast asleep, her head resting on the arm of the couch. She was hugging her knees up to her chest and slightly...shivering? I began to notice how cold the air actually was in her dorm, and figured that she was probably freezing.

I found a blanket that was thrown over the couch, so I picked it up and placed it on her. There, she'll be warm now. Divine dog was also asleep next to her. They both looked so calm, almost like they had already known each other for a lifetime, when in reality they were almost total strangers. This was interesting, since my dogs never let their guard down around anyone except me. This was a clear sign that it likes her, enough to show total submission.

It was pretty heartwarming, actually, to see it take such a liking to someone. I've never seen either of my dogs do this, since they are trained to constantly stay alert and awake.

I observed as they both breathed calmly, deep in slumber. My eyes caught the attention of her peaceful expression. Her face just looked so... delicate. I hadn't realized how long I had been standing there staring at her, when suddenly I began to see a few rays of light pour in from her window. It was already sunrise, which meant I had stayed the entire night again.

The morning gleam crept slowly through her blinds, casting horizontal rays of sunlight throughout her dorm. It cast warmly on her skin, bathing her in a sheer golden illuminance. Her expression intrigued me, it was so relaxed and peaceful. Even her lips were drawn up slightly. She's... smiling.

How could one look so angelic as they slept?

My thoughts were interrupted when a buzz came from my pocket. I dug my phone out and read the text message I had received.

From Gojo: "Megumi! Please meet me in 1 hour in front of the training area, I have new insights about the new curse case!"

I sighed and slid my phone back into my pocket. Looks like I gotta get out of here soon, and I don't think I have enough time to go back to my dorm. I bet she won't mind if I shower here... will she?

I glanced at her once more before turning around and heading to her bathroom, shutting the door behind me.

Y/n's point of view

The gentle pitter-patter of rain surrounded me, filling my ears with its serene white noise. I felt a sheet of warmth engulf me from head to toe. Not too cold, not too hot. Just the perfect feeling of coziness and warmth. Then I heard a high pitched squeak come from the distance. At that, the gentle sound of rain stopped. I quickly came to the realization that it wasn't rain, it was the sound of the shower faucet.

My eyes fluttered open and I immediately glanced over at my bathroom door, which was closed, a small cloud of fog trickling out from underneath. Brief memories from the night before flashed through my mind and I recalled that Megumi and I were watching scary movies before I fell asleep.

Is... Is he showering?

I was still slowly coming to my senses since I had been crashed out on the couch for a while. My clock told me it was half-past 6 am. I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes, peeling the blanket off of myself and sitting up. I felt something fluffy and soft brush my foot, so I looked over at the spot next to me. It was divine dog, still curled up next to me. I smiled and pet it's fluffy fur, it's tail wagging in response.

My attention averted when I heard the knob of the bathroom door slightly rattle, then twist to the side. I watched as the door slowly opened, revealing a cloud of steam. Then, my jaw nearly dropped at what I saw in the midst of the steam.

Megumi. He's... shirtless.

The only thing covering him was a towel, wrapped around his waist loosely. His hair was wet and slightly slicked back, exposing his forehead, a few inky strands messily framing his face. My eyes traveled all around his body, not knowing where to look. There was so much of him exposed, so much that I had never seen before.

My eyes met his pale green ones, and I watched as his face filled with surprise as he realized that I was awake. His gaze tore from mine and he looked down at the floor, a slight flush covering his cheeks from the hot water. He ran a few fingers through his damp hair and brought his eyes back to me. "Sorry. I never asked if I could use your shower, I didn't think you would be awake."

"N-no it's totally fine, I don't mind!" I said nervously, scratching the back of my head. I hope it wasn't too apparent that I was actually losing my mind right now. I mean, he is standing there half-naked, after all.  I took a deep breath and remained composed.

"Well, I should get going, Gojo wants me to meet him right now," he said, slipping a black long sleeve shirt on over his head. He quickly shut the bathroom door and when he came out again, he was fully dressed. I sighed in relief, I don't know much longer I could've kept eye contact when there was so much my eyes wanted to explore.

Then he made his way over to the front door, but before leaving, he stopped at where I was sitting on the couch. "Keep practicing, I'll be back tomorrow. You better have made some progress by the time I come back," he said coldly.

But then, I felt a warm hand pat me on the top of my head. I glanced up at him, my eyes meeting with his green stare. He looked down at me with the tiniest smirk, before walking off. He threw his coat over his shoulder and left my dorm shortly after, the sound of the door shutting behind him. As soon as he left, Divine dog also vanished, leaving my hand with nothing to pet.

I felt myself exhale in relief, having no idea that I had been holding my breath this entire time. I felt a rush of butterflies enter my stomach, fluttering around excitedly at what had just happened. I buried my face into a pillow, feeling my face grow hot. I began giggling at myself, not being able to wrap my mind around the fact that he was standing here shirtless, in my dorm, just a few seconds ago.

Am I dreaming again? Or is this reality?

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