Mystery knock

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- Chapter 10 -

I buried my head into the pile of pillows on my bed, feeling their cozy warmth engulf me. It had been a day since my little encounter with Megumi and Gojo Sensei at that cafe in town. God I probably looked so stupid back there. The very thought making me cringe of embarrassment. I rolled over onto my back and took a deep breath, staring at the ceiling of my small dorm. Why did I run away from him?

Then I heard two loud knocks at my door, making me sit up and avert my attention to the front of the room.

It's probably Nobara coming to lecture and question me about why i'm so damn awkward in front of the guy I like.

I got up and shuffled over to my door, unlocking it and twisting the knob. "Nobara don't worry about me I know I looked stupid back ther-

Then my eyes collided with the mintiest green stare, causing me to almost gasp. He stood tall in the door way, the warm light from the lamp outside illuminating his face. He was dressed in black clothing which matched his hair and gave him that same mysterious look. But I also noticed he was holding what looked like...empty soda cans??

My stomach immediately filled with butterflies, not to mention my throat felt as if it suddenly closed, making me struggle to form a sentence. He just stood there, a stern look on his face. I could tell something about his expression looked different. He just looked annoyed or upset for some reason.

"Megumi...? I quietly mumbled, keeping my eyes on his. I was in shock that it was really him standing there at my door, just a few feet away from me. With every passing second that our eyes were locked, my heart beat grew louder and louder in my chest.

Thump thump thump thump

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

He tore his gaze away from mine and glanced around my dorm room behind me. Then his attention shifted back to me, his eyes quickly giving me a scan. "Y/n, you need to master some form of technique. You can't be a sorcerer if you don't have some form of cursed energy," he said plainly, taking a step toward me.

My cheeks slightly flushed, the feeling of his presence washing over me. It was almost as if I could feel the heat radiating off of his body. He now stood mere inches away, his frame towering over me, causing me to tilt my chin upward to look at him.

"Listen. There's another curse around Tokyo. Specifically around this area. You need to learn how to protect yourself from it and become stronger." He said in a more quiet tone, almost like he didn't want anyone else but me to hear him. His silky voice caressed my ears, causing a small shiver to crawl up my spine.

Then, just when I thought he couldn't get any closer to me, he took another step, his body almost pressed to mine. "You need to practice," he added, then slightly twisted his body and walked past me, into my dorm.

He walked over to the small coffee table in front of the tv and set down the cans, their hollow insides clinking on the wood. I pushed the front door closed, feeling a cool gust of wind enter my dorm once it was shut. I noticed how tense I was getting, so I took a few deep breaths and closed my eyes momentarily, still keeping my back to him.

You can do this y/n. Just act normal.

Once I felt a bit more collected, I turned around, making my way over to the small sofa behind the coffee table. His presence weighed heavily on my shoulders, I couldn't shake that mysterious aura that surrounded him. It just made me crave more and more.

Love's Curse - Megumi Fushiguro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now