Calm before the storm

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- Chapter 4 -


A single drop of water pelted me on the forehead. Then another. Then another.

Soon, the cool droplets of water were multiplying every passing second, pattering the tops of the giant green leaves of the trees overhead, and matting down my hair, slowly gliding down my face as I walked. I was walking, no, I was now jogging home from my encounter with Megumi. I still couldn't believe that I had seen him, and it was almost surreal to me that I was now wearing his sweater. It's gentle, fresh, and minty fragrance notifying me that I wasn't just imagining things.

I shut my dorm's door behind me, feeling the immediate stillness and warmth of my room engulf me as I walked in. Compared to the freezing wetness outside, I was glad to be inside. My candle continued to flicker softly, providing a gentle illuminance to my surroundings. I decided to quickly hop into the shower, to wash and dry off all of the rainwater that clung to my hair and body.

Megumi's sweater had gotten wet from the rain, so I peeled it off of my skin and threw it in the dryer for a few minutes while I showered, so it would be dry by the time I got out.

I relaxed as hot water from the shower traveled down my body, relieving me of all stiffness and cold from outside. My mind was occupied by the scenario that had occurred just moments ago. I kept replaying the scene in my head, smiling at the part when he said he liked my name. I cupped my hands on each side of my face, feeling my flesh grow hot at the thought of all the memories.

Damn it, he was about to say something and then that turd Yaga had to come and screw it up.

I was imagining a number of things Megumi could've said in that moment, my mind racing wildly. When suddenly I saw the slightest flicker in the corner of my eye. Through the curtains, I could've sworn I saw a shadowy figure run past.

The mere thought of it made shivers run down my spine. I turned off the water and quickly pulled the shower curtains back, revealing my small bathroom.

Nope. Nothing.

But that's weird, I could've sworn I saw something.

Shaking off any suspicion, I stepped out of the the tub, dried myself off, and headed into my bedroom, picking out a pair of cozy pj's that I would wear to bed.

Oh, yeah. I have Megumi's sweater still. Should I.. wear it to bed?

I took it out of the dryer and brought it over to my bed with me, slipping it on over my head.

Ahh, so warm.

It engulfed me in it's cradling warmth, that beautiful sage aroma swirling up into my nose again. I couldn't get enough of it, it was like I was addicted to his scent. I pulled my quilt over myself as I laid back in my bed, cozying up and feeling my eyes start to get heavy. I almost felt drunk off of the amount of comfort and warmth that surrounded me. I felt like a swaddled baby, resting innocently in the tranquility of a warm crib.

I couldn't resist how heavy my eyelids were getting, so I just let them close. I slowly felt myself beginning to drift off to sleep, subtle thoughts clouding my mind. I thought of him again. The way he looked, basking in the pale moonlight. I thought of how warm his sweater was when he first gave it to me, how it engulfed me in a cradling comfort. I thought about how I felt right now in this very moment, cozy and calm, engulfed by his scent. I began to imagine him laying next to me in my own bed, his arms around me, his gentle breaths, his eyelashes resting on the tops of his cheeks as he slept. The way his fingers would feel gliding up and down on my skin.

I felt perfectly calm and happy, nothing else in the way. No thoughts of the ugly presence that normally consumed my being. No anxiety. No nothing. Just calm. And peacefully... asleep.

Author's note
Hi readers! A bit of a shorter chapter today, but not to worry, we are in for quite a ride in the next few. See you all in the next one! :)
Fun fact: as i'm publishing this chapter, I am writing the conclusion of chapter 7 >:) hehe!

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