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- Chapter 16 -

"I did it," I said, smiling up at him.

His eyes suddenly filled with genuine joy, his lips moving upward into a smile. An expression that I so loved to see. I pushed myself up onto the couch next to him and wrapped my arms around his neck, pressing my chest to his. I decided to hug him out of pure joy, I had finally mastered my cursed energy and it was all because he had helped me. Not only was this my accomplishment, but it was also his.

I felt his arms wrap around my back, returning the hug. But then unexpectedly, he stood up from the couch, lifting me up with him. He continued hugging me and then twirled me around as he spun on his heels. I started to giggle, feeling my legs sway as he spun me around. Once he came to a stop, I pulled my head back, away from his shoulder, to face him.

I couldn't help but continue to smile as I noticed a  content expression was still plastered on his face.
"Megumi. I mean it, thank you for all the help with training. I couldn't have done it without you, really," I alleged, truly happy for all he had done to help me.

He kept his green eyes locked on mine, as his lips slowly fell into a more serious position, slightly parted, but not saying a word. I watched as his eyes averted to my own lips, making my heart flutter wildly. My heart rate continued to increase as a sudden tension grew between us, my cheeks flushing as a result.

Then all of a sudden, he slowly began inching his face closer, his warm breath growing closer to mine. It felt that time had stopped, his eyes locked on mine. This was the closest I'd ever been to him. He moved his face closer, his lips so close to mine, that our breaths were practically intermingling.

I shut my eyes and felt as the gap closed between us as he pressed his lips onto mine, their softness entrancing me. The moment his lips were on mine, I felt as though the planet had stopped orbiting, like he and I were the only two forms of electricity on earth, our energies finally joining as one after so long.

We slowly pulled our lips apart, our eyes still closed as we breathed each other's breaths. I felt his hand travel to my face and gently hold my cheek as he pulled me in for another kiss, this one more passionate. Our lips intertwined in pure bliss, each kiss making my heart flutter off into paradise.

I traced my thumb over his bottom lip in between a kiss, feeling the smooth warmth of his flesh. I slightly opened my eyes to sneak a peek at him, just to make sure that I wasn't dreaming. This is reality.

My heart pounded in my chest, which was still pressed to his, since he was still lifting me off the ground. If he were to set me down, I would 100% not be able to stand due to my knees feeling even weaker than before.

Our lips were still locked, it felt like they stayed like this for a long time, but I wished they could've stayed like this forever. I almost felt intoxicated with the softness of him against my mouth, how addictively he had invaded all of my senses. It seemed that all of my thoughts were silenced the moment our lips met, the sweet taste of him completely washing over me.

His fingers curled around my hair, as my other hand reached up to touch his face, his smooth skin gliding under my touch. With every breath I took, I could smell him deep within my nostrils, the beautiful aroma easing my nerves.

We both pulled away from the kiss slowly, opening our eyes to meet each other. His minty green eyes seemed greener than before as they stared deeply into mine. I felt as though he could see through my soul, even read my thoughts. His eyes always had this effect on me, every single time making my stomach flutter and twist, this time was not any different.

He gently touched my bottom lip with his thumb, carefully tracing over the delicate skin. Warm breaths escaped both of our lips, our hearts both thumping against each other's chests. We just both stood there, me still in his arms, and stared at each other, examining our features up close.

"You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that," he whispered just mere inches away from my lips, his warm breath mixing with mine. I smiled, feeling the exact same way as him, and wrapped my hands around his neck, pressing my cheek to his. "Me too," I carefully whispered into his ear. I slowly began pulling away, pressing my lips to his cheek, and then faced him again.

His cheeks lifted into a smile, and then he began to set me down on the floor. My previous thoughts about falling were totally forgotten in my mind. And yup, just as I thought, as soon as my feet reached the floor and he let go of me, my knees gave out and I fell straight down. But before I could reach the ground, his hands got a hold of my wrist, stopping me midway through my fall.

"I totally forgot, I'm sorry," he said slightly smiling, pulling my arm up, around his neck. "Here, hold onto me," he added. I wrapped my arms around his neck again, my eyes watching his determined expression as he held onto me. "Stand on top of my feet, we're going to walk together."

At that, I giggled, placing each foot on top of his. "Now, do your best to walk with me, okay?" he asserted, looking into my eyes. I smiled and nodded, doing my best to balance on his feet. He took a big step forward, moving my right leg with his. And then another, moving my left leg with his. The fact that we were doing this made me laugh, it was just so silly but fun, I couldn't help it. He continued slowly walking, smiling at me as I laughed.

I felt a genuine feeling bubble over me, one that I hadn't been feeling in a while. Happiness. Every moment I spent with him seemed to bring me a new emotion, never once being a bad one. It was like every moment I spent with him was healing me, healing me of all brokenness.

Once we got to my bed, I sat down, feeling the soft mattress cradle me. He stood in front of me, his eyes never once leaving mine. "You still need to get more rest, y/n," he said, patting his hand on the crown of my head.

Usually, this would mean that he has to leave. I felt my heart slightly sink at the thought of him leaving, but I kept a smile on my face and continued staring up at him. The thought of all of our memories flooded into my brain. It was almost as if whenever he left, my life didn't feel as full.

He truly is my paradise.

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