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- Chapter 1 -

A sharp, burning pain seared through the side of my neck. A black nail carving further into the delicate skin, streams of blood gushing out in response. I squirmed in its tight hold. Millions and millions of red eyes darted around at me. Madly. Ferociously. Almost bulging out of their sockets.


My heart strummed in my chest at what felt a million miles per hour. The feeling of terror flooded deeper into my chest and down my spine, making me quiver. I squeezed my eyes closed as hard as I could.

I am going to die.

• • •

Gasping for air as I regained consciousness, my eyes shot open, and sat I up. Cold sweat beaded my forehead and the back of my neck. I shuddered as a cold wind blew in through the window.

Damn. Another one of those scary-ass dreams.

But the presence was still there. I always felt it. An immense weight on my shoulders. A creepy feeling. I hate it. I want it to go away. Strangely, I have grown quite familiar with the strange weight, as I have been having these reoccurring dreams and have just overall gotten used to being... scared all the time.

Ever since I came to Jujutsu High, I've encountered this presence daily and it's been pretty damn persistent. Two weeks have already passed since my first day. Since orientation day for first years. It's already been two damn weeks and I've been barely surviving alongside this hostile presence, who is very unwelcome in my book. 

But with all of this darkness, there has been one thing keeping me sane. My best friend Nobara. I met her on the first day of school and we instantly became friends. I love how overly confident she is. She makes life better and that's exactly what I need right about now.

I glanced out the window, noticing the sun beginning to peek its bright eye over the mountains. It was nice living and going to school on the calmer side of Tokyo. No loud traffic or train stations. Only the peaceful tune of birds chirping amongst the swaying trees. I liked it. All of it. Well- except that sickening feeling that makes chills trickle down my spine at the thought. 

My first class usually started around seven in the morning and my clock notified me that it was a quarter past five a.m. so that was my cue to start washing my face, brushing my teeth, and all that fun stuff.

After I had slipped into my uniform and tidied up my messy h/c hair by brushing through it a few times, I was ready to leave my dorm and head to the cafeteria to grab some breakfast and meet up with Nobara like I did every morning.

I grabbed my backpack, wallet, and phone before giving my messy dorm room a quick glance-over before shutting the door and starting toward the cafeteria.

The icy morning air was perfectly still and tranquil, not even a single gust of wind. The mornings on campus always seemed almost surreal to me. It was always... extremely quiet. I didn't mind that at all. No, I very much liked it. The peace and calm distracted me from that bone-chilling force that engulfed my room. It almost seemed like a dark cloud hovered over my dorm because whenever I left it, everything seemed ordinary.

"Y/N !! Over here!" a familiar voice called out from behind me as I grabbed my platter of food from the cafeteria. Nobara stood up from her seat at the table she was at and waved for me to come sit. I grabbed a juice box from the cooler before hurrying over to sit at the spot she patted to next to her.

"Mornin' sunshine," she chirped, her large golden eyes lighting up as they met mine. I always admired Nobara and how effortlessly gorgeous she was. She always looked put together. The first thing that always caught my eye was her short, ginger hair tucked behind one ear, and how it complimented her fair skin and delicate eyebrows. Also, her uniform was always tidy and free of wrinkles. Me on the other hand- I managed to look somewhat decent on a daily basis, but I never put much thought into it since there was always something clouding my mind. I always wanted to leave my dorm as fast as I could in the morning. So yeah, I didn't look super great especially sitting next to Nobara. But it didn't bug me one bit. We were great friends, and I admired her.

"I heard Gojo Sensei is back from his mission today, thank god!!" she said cheerfully, taking a bite of her breakfast croissant.

That, I was happy to hear. We've had to deal with some lousy substitute for about two weeks since our regular teacher, Gojo Sensei had been out on another one of his missions. 

 "Good, I don't know how much longer I could've put up with Mr. Jackoff's bullshit. I seriously cannot deal with that buffoon," I added, rolling my eyes. Nobara burst into laughter, slamming her hand on the table. I quietly giggled at my own remark when suddenly I heard a deep and familiar voice chime from behind me.

 "You're quite the funny one aren't you, Ms. L/N?"

I watched as Nobara's smile fell, her eyes widening as she pointed at the mystery man behind me. 

Could it be...?

I slowly turned around, my heart rapidly pounding. I hoped whoever it was hadn't heard my derogatory remark. I hope it's not that substitute. Or Principal Yaga... that would be bad.

I felt immediate relief when my eyes revealed a tall man before me. His look was all too token- white hair pushed up out of his face by a thin black blindfold covering his eyes.  To be quite honest, he's quite attractive if I say so myself. That man has a jawline for days.

"Gojo Sensei... it's good to see you!" I laughed nervously, scratching the back of my neck. He crossed his arms over his chest in a confident manner and grinned. "Sounds like you missed me, and that substitute didn't do much justice explaining the exquisite art of Jujutsu!" 

Nobara and I glanced at each other and giggled, relieved we hadn't encountered someone ill-tempered, like Principal Yaga.

Before I could respond, he spun around on the back of his heels and began strutting off, "See you two in class!" he exclaimed, waving his hand dismissively in the air. 

Once he disappeared through the double doors, I heard Nobara audibly exhale, "Whew. that was a close one." She playfully rolled her eyes and laughed. 

"Right?!" I chuckled, checking the time on my phone "We should get going though, first period starts in 10," I motioned.

At that, we were off to our first class- The Art of Jujutsu Technique. Taught by the exuberant Gojo Sensei himself.

Love's Curse - Megumi Fushiguro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now