Good News

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- Chapter 23 -

*Approximately 2 months of Megumi's hospitalization*

The long days passed as I watched over the injured Megumi in his hospital bed as he slowly, but surely recovered. Some days were long and grueling, filled with the pain of my own thoughts. But, most of them were filled with us laying together in his not-so-cozy twin sized, white bed watching movies on the small box t.v. that every hospital room consisted of.

One night, the movie Scream played and we reminisced over the fond memory of our scary movie night in my dorm. Sharing some much needed laughter, miscellaneous jokes, and just making something fun out of the endless days that so seemingly bled into one another was often needed. Moments like these brought us closer together when we felt as though being stuck in this hospital was a never-ending nightmare.

Day by day, I observed as his wounds slowly healed, turning gradually into dark red scars, then to lighter ones. Eventually, the only wounds that needed regular attention were his neck and eye, supported by his neck brace and an eyepatch. 

Every waking moment, it was my personal duty to take care of him, even though nurses and doctors came by several times a day, I was there 24/7. I made sure to place a light kiss on every wound he had; in fact, it was now part of my daily routine.

Megumi spent most of his time sleeping. We had some conversations and movie nights here and there, but most of our days were spent with me laying at his side, reading a book while running my fingers gently through his hair as he nodded out into a deep slumber.

 I had so many questions to ask him, so many things I wanted to talk about, but more importantly was making sure he got plenty of sleep to ensure a fast recovery. There would always be time to talk in the future and I was sure of it.

I lay next to him, listening to his gentle breaths as I rolled over to look at him. He resided in a restful slumber, that same angelic face of his glowing like always, no matter if his skin and body was now tattered with deep scars. I still found him so handsome, and in my eyes, he seemed to get more and more handsome each day, and with every moment I spent with him.

I turned back to lay flat on my back and stared at the stark white ceiling, slow thoughts running through my head. Nothing out of the ordinary. Just the same grueling thoughts I had every morning here at the hospital.

Will we return back to school after he's healed?

 When will he get discharged? 

When will we get time to really talk?

I wonder what Nobara is doing.


I haven't seen them since I've been here. 

I should probably shower. 

That nurse... ugh I feel like such an idiot for saying those rude things to her. 

I snapped out of my thoughts, feeling slightly uneasy at the thought of the nurse that brought me to this room. I realized that she passed through my mind every single morning of every day since I arrived at the hospital. She hadn't been back in the room since that day, another nurse had been coming in to check on him.

Love's Curse - Megumi Fushiguro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now