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- Chapter 19 -

I wrapped my legs around his hips as he lifted me up and pressed me against the wall, the cool metal bringing chills to the surface of the bare skin of my back. His warm lips caressed my neck, kissing their way down to my chest. A warm sensation bubbled in my stomach, causing my cheeks to flush red as his fingers gently stroked my skin. He kissed a spot on my neck, a spot so specific that it made my stomach twirl in pure bliss. In reaction, I squeezed him tighter to my body, running my fingers along his bare skin.

Prior to this, we had both quickly helped each other's shirts off, our once innocent kiss unraveling into a passionate make-out. Yes, I know that we have a mission to go on, but this moment... it was something so irresistible, something so wrong... but it felt so right. I couldn't let go of him. For some reason, the fact that we had to be somewhere made my desire for him stronger and stronger.

He kept a strong grasp on both sides of my hips, holding them securely against the metal wall of the phone booth. Without taking his lips off of mine, he quickly moved one of his hands over to pull the blinds closed in a swift motion, the booth getting slightly darker at the lack of outside light.

He quickly pulled away from my lips, giving my neck a few more kisses before facing me, his nose mere inches from mine. "Y/n... are you sure you want to do this?" he quietly asked,  his hot breaths mixing with mine. His hand traveled down to my skirt, a few fingers curling under the hem of the fabric, causing chills to dart up my spine at the sensation of his warm hand so close to my thigh. I wanted him right now, more than ever. "Mhmm," I nodded through a breath, crashing my lips onto his again.

The kiss felt like I had ignited something else between us, some sort of electricity. His lips were practically glued to mine, so strongly attached to mine that it seemed as though they would never come apart. His hand continued its way up my skirt, his fingers slowly searching for the hem of my underwear. I felt the butterflies in my stomach grow even wilder as he slid them off of my hips, then moved his hand to his own belt. I couldn't think straight, all I wanted and all I thought about was him. Him him him. All other outside things were gone. No thoughts of the curse, our mission, nothing. All gone.

He slowly ripped his lips apart from mine, looking me dead in the eyes. His face was dimly lit by the little light that hung above us, it's small illuminance barely enough to light the small room. I could see the outline of his face and the way the shadows were cast over his features. I looked down, taking in the sight of his bare chest, the lighting doing me a favor by casting shadows over his abdominal muscles. The butterflies in my stomach felt as though they had grown twice in size, not being able to stay inside my stomach. They wanted out.

With our eyes still locked, his body continued to press me against the wall, my legs wrapped around his torso. The position we were in definitely contributed to the butterflies, it just felt so good to be so close to him. To be able to touch his skin, his hair, his face. To kiss him, to be with him, to smell his fragrance so close to me. It all felt so good, even without any form of sexual endeavors.

"Yes... I'm sure, Megumi," I said breathily, practically reading his mind. I knew that he was going to double-check with me, ask me if it's okay one more time. And yes. It was more than okay. He's all I want. All I need.

He nodded, bringing his lips to mine slowly, softly. The opposite of our previous kisses. His soft lips lightly brushed over mine, slowly locking in place with my lips, causing a rush of chills to the surface of my skin. Everything felt so sensitive, I felt so flustered just as the slightest touch.

I traced my fingers along his smooth skin, softly touching his abdomen and his chest. It truly felt like I was on cloud 9, just Megumi and I. Just us two floating on a cloud, nothing stopping us. With the next kiss, he slowly pushed himself inside of me, the sensation causing me to hug him tighter and kiss him harder, my body slowly entering into a state of bliss. Yes, it was slightly uncomfortable, but I focused on our kisses, our breathing, how he positioned his hands around my body, tightly holding onto me.

It was an indescribable feeling that I could only dream of before, and now it had become reality. The moment was far beyond any dream or vision I'd ever had. It was something so good, I could never dream of it or experience it any other way than right now. The moment was ours, and no one could take that away from us.

• • •

We both slowly stepped out of the booth, the cold wind immediately drawing itself to the sweat beads on my skin, causing a cold chill to wash over my body, making me slightly shiver. He walked next to me after shutting the door of the booth closed, guiding me forward with his hand on my lower back. His face was slightly flushed and his hair damp from the humidity of the booth, mine probably the same. We both kept a small smile plastered on our faces as we walked, each knowing damn well that we had a secret to keep.

"Okay, now that our nerves are calmed, we should probably head to the sight of the curse," he said bringing his eyes to mine with a small smirk. I playfully elbowed him, "Yes. Yes, we should," I added and nodded, returning the grin.

I watched his expression suddenly shift from a relaxed state to a more serious one when his eyes landed on something. I immediately turned my attention forward, only to find my expression harden as well. There it was in front of us. That volcanic head, a single eye looking right back at us, a grim expression plastered on its evil face. Jogo.

Megumi instantly took a step in front of me, putting his hand out to protect me, his guard never once leaving the presence that came from the curse. It's evil presence ever so noticeably bathing over us. It felt the same as a that day, hot, but a bit less apparent. Was it because I had gotten stronger that I couldn't feel the heat as much?

Megumi turned his head in my direction, keeping his arm out in front of me. "Y/n, stay close to me."
I nodded in response, gulping down a hard lump that had suddenly formed in my throat. I resisted the horrible sensation that was bubbling in my stomach. Fear. I bit it back, replacing it with courage, confidence, and power. I couldn't let any negative emotions get to me. Not now.

I noticed as the presence of the curse suddenly became overpowered by a more calm presence. This new presence, however, felt as though it was coming directly from Megumi. I watched as a blue hue began radiating off of his body, surrounding him in a turquoise aura. He brought both hands out in front of his body, clenching his fists as he stood in a more ready position. His face became more relaxed, his brow un furrowing and his lips forming into a straight line, slightly curling. His expression completely shifted, the once alarmed Megumi now as calm as can be.

"You're not getting past me, you volcanic bastard," he said in a smug voice, raising an eyebrow.

My heart leaped forward at the sight of him and all of his strength, his beautiful aura nearly taking my breath away. With him, I'm positive we'll kill that thing. At least, I hope.

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