Movie night

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- Chapter 11 -

C'mon y/n, concentrate.

I focused my eyes on the cans again, trying to take into consideration the pointers that Megumi gave me. I flexed my core muscles, thinking that would work but...nope, nothing. The cans just sat there staring back at me. I felt a pit in my stomach, a bit disheartened that I hadn't made any progress. Damn it, I need to get stronger.

It was the day after Megumi had come over unexpectedly. I really and I mean really was not expecting him to show up at all yesterday. But to my surprise, before he left, he said he would be over again today to check in on my progress. The very thought of him being in my room again made me anxious.

But you know what, I need to stop getting all flustered. I'm going to try and act as normal as possible today. I'll just pretend like he's some random person that I have no interest in, maybe that'll help my heart to not beat out of my chest, yeah that should work.

He said he would be here around 5 ish and it was already 4:30 so I decided to just tidy up my room a bit, as well as my appearance. Usually, I didn't really give a care, but today I thought I would put a bit more effort into how I looked. I smiled at myself in my bathroom mirror, pleased with what I saw, when suddenly I heard a couple of knocks at my front door. My stomach slightly turned over, but I took a deep breath and readied myself for what was to come.

I unlocked the door and turned the knob, revealing Megumi, who stood there casually like always. "Hey," I said invitingly, swallowing back my nerves. He slightly raised a brow in response and ran a hand through his hair smoothly. "How's your progress?" he asked, his green eyes boarding into mine. "Uhh... getting there!" I said and giggled, looking down at the floor. He slightly tilted his head at me before adding plainly, "Okay we'll see how you do."  I nodded and stepped to the side, allowing him to enter my dorm.

He was carrying a medium-sized paper bag, which he then set down next to my sofa. "To master cursed energy you'll need to learn how to control your emotions, y/n," he said as he rummaged through the bag.

Wait. Did he notice the way i've been acting? How is he reading my mind? I mean, I do need to control my emotions, and it's only when he's near me that I try my hardest to do so.

"What do you mean by controlling my emotions? What kind of emotions?" I asked, genuinely curious as to what he meant. He continued to rummage through the paper bag, then pulled out a few thin rectangular boxes. They looked like dvd cases of some sort. "In times of suspense, anger, fear. You'll need to learn how to stay as calm as possible and keep your energy flow stable."

He walked over to me and showed me the cases. Scream...? They were all horror movies. What exactly does he want me to do with these? I looked at him, confusion written all over my face.

"We're going to watch these movies and you can't flinch or show any signs of fear. I'll monitor you through one of my divine dogs."

"...How will your dog...monitor me?" I really had no idea how this was going to work out. I was lost at that part. But did he say we are going to watch the movies? So... we're watching them...together? A small blush crept across my cheeks.

"I'll summon it and you'll need to put your hand on it, keeping your energy flow as steady as possible during the duration of the movie. If it senses that your energy wavers at all, it'll bark."

I nodded my head in comprehension and plopped myself on the couch, wrapping a blanket around myself to get ready for the movie. I didn't mind horror all that much, but I always liked to have my comfort blanket with me. It just helped me feel cradled, warm and cozy.

"Don't we need snacks to watch a movie?" he asked, his brow raised and arms crossed over his chest. I jumped up from the couch as I remembered the large container of popcorn that Nobara got me for my birthday that I hadn't dug into yet.

"I know just the thing," I said excitedly, shuffling over to the pantry and pulling out the huge tin container of popcorn. His eyes slightly widened at the size of the container. "Alright that's more like it," he added, a small smirk on his lips.

We both plopped down on the couch after inserting the movie into the dvd player. "You ready?" he asked, glancing in my direction. I nodded, giving him the cue to summon divine dogs. He cupped his hands into the shape of a dog, and said the summoning words.

Next to me, appeared a large, black dog with fluffy fur. It jumped up onto the sofa next to me and curled itself into a comfortable position. It took up a bit of room, since it's size was rather large, almost taking up a third of my sofa. There wasn't much room between Megumi and I, which I didn't mind at all, but I prayed that he wouldn't be able to hear my heartbeat strumming in my chest. We were sitting so close, I could feel the heat radiating off of his body.

"Make sure your hand is resting on it during the movie," he added, stuffing some popcorn into his mouth. I set my hand onto the dog's fluffy black fur and gently ran my fingers through it, feeling it's warmth engulf my hand. Doing this brought back a specific memory. The memory of that morning, when I ran my fingers through Megumi's hair. It was fluffy and soft, putting me in trance with every stroke of my fingers.

"Y/n, you ready? I'll start the movie now." His smooth voice made me snap out of it and avert my attention to the screen.

I noticed how dark my room had gotten since the sun was set now, only the light from the tv screen illuminating our faces. The background noise from the movie filled the atmosphere, distant voices of the actors talking, but I paid no mind.

I glanced over at him, just out of curiosity. He was sitting back comfortably, his legs slightly spread out. His demeanor was calm yet stern, as he watched the screen with that minty stare. His fingers moved up to his lips, tossing a few kernels of popcorn into his mouth. When he chewed down, his jaw clenched, making his jaw line pop out at me. He was just... so handsome I couldn't really take my eyes off of him.


The sound made me jump nearly out of my skin, giving me goosebumps. Something had happened in the movie, but I had no idea what it was. It scared the shit out of me.

WOOF WOOF!  The divine dog started barking next to me, I felt it's body vibrate under my touch. It looked over at Megumi, and then stopped barking.

"Keep your guard up, y/n. It's hard at first, but you'll get used to it," he said, glancing over at me.

Damn it. But he's the reason why I'm so distracted. This seems impossible.

Love's Curse - Megumi Fushiguro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now