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- Chapter 6 -

Images of my childhood flashed through my mind. My mother's kind eyes as she watched me take my first steps. My dad clapping his hands and cheering me on as I learned how to ride my bike without training wheels. Their sad, yet hopeful faces as we said our farewells at the airport. I could see them waving at me as I walked to my terminal, about to board the plane that would take me to a new chapter of my life. To Jujutsu High. Where I would meet Nobara and have new and exciting life experiences.

But look where I was now.

• • •

My head pounded, fresh tears streamed over dried ones, and I felt utterly hopeless. I also felt angry. Angry at myself that I hadn't mastered Jujutsu. That if I knew at least one technique, I could've kicked that thing's ass by now and have saved myself. But no. That wasn't the case.

"Divine Dogs!"  A voice echoed in the distance.

I heard a loud crash around me, followed by a high pitched howl. I thought I was imagining things, too dazed to even realize what it was or what was even happening around me. A bright light shone from behind my eyelids, which were still sewn shut. I couldn't see what the hell was happening.

Am I dead?

I opened my eyes. Before me, in what my blurry vision allowed me to see, were two animals. A pair of black and white... dogs? I watched as they ferociously gnawed at the hideous monster just inches away, of which I was sure would've taken my life.

In this moment, I felt so relieved, so grateful that something had saved me. These two dogs, whoever's they were, had saved me.

Then I smelled it. That familiar scent. That all too familiar sage-like minty fresh scent. It clouded my brain, making me sob harder than I already was. It was such a comfort to me, and now I was smelling it again. It was my sign of hope- that whatever had happened around me just now was over and I was safe.

I sensed a pair of strong arms wrap around me, the scent growing closer, almost as if it was right beside me. I was so out of it. Everything was a blurry mess. I couldn't really hear anything either, my ears were ringing so badly that all I could hear was a deep voice, but it sounded so far away. But then, as if my eardrums were emerging from water, the once distant voice grew closer and became progressively clearer.

"Y/n. Y/n!" I could hear the voice closer now, it was calling my name. "It's okay, it's going to be okay," the voice reassured me. I felt dizzy and everything around me felt as if it were spinning incredibly fast. The voice continued to echo in my head. Then something, two warm hands cupped my cheeks and held my face. I squinted as hard as I could, forcing my eyes to try and take in a clear image. Then they focused on his face. It was Megumi. His expression was filled with concern, his brows furrowing in worry and his pale green eyes searching mine. He rubbed his thumb across my cheeks to wipe my tears, but it was no use, tears continued to stream like small rivers at the sight of him.

I stuffed my face into the crook of his neck, my cheek resting on his warm shoulder. I wept bitterly, every cry and yell muffled by his shirt. I just let it all out, recalling the curse, and how utterly weak I was against it. I thought about my parents and Nobara, what their reactions would've been if they found out I had been mauled by that ugly thing.

He continued to hold me and whisper comforting things to me, saying it's okay, i'm here now and don't worry, you're safe. His smooth and honey-like voice trickled into my mind, giving me a sense of consolation.

Fresh tears burned my eyes and snot bubbled at my nose. I was truly a mess. Shards of glass stuck out of my flesh, dried blood, sweat, and tears stained my pajamas.

I felt myself being slowly lifted off the ground, but I didn't question it. I just let my limp body go with the flow. I felt safe and secure in his arms. I knew that as long as he was there, I would be okay.

He laid me down on my bed, the soft quilt underneath me cradling my body. Then I sensed what felt like a warm cloth or rag gently rubbing over my wounds, cleaning the blood and glass off of my skin.

Is he really doing this? He really cares that much?

I tried to open my eyes, but it was no use. I felt so exhausted and overwhelmed by everything that I just couldn't do much of anything. My head pounded like crazy and my muscles ached. I just needed to sleep. That's all I needed. I slowly felt myself begin to drift off to sleep as he continued to asses my wounds.

As long as he's here, I'm safe.

Love's Curse - Megumi Fushiguro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now