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- Chapter 3 -

(Back into the POV of  Y/N)

I sprinted from my bathroom and practically leaped from a distance, sprawling into my cozy bed, and wrapped myself with my huge fuzzy quilt. My heart raced against my chest, alarmed at the tall shadows that were cast all around me. But it began to slow to a normal pace when I realized the illusion was caused by the tiny flickering flame of my candle, illuminating my small dorm room.

I nervously cackled at myself, realizing how utterly paranoid I was. I felt that at the slightest sound, my whacked-out nerves would cause me to scream or just get up and book it out of my room.


The gentle hum of thunder filled the atmosphere, the sudden sound making me jump. My body trembled under my blanket and I squeezed my eyes closed, burying my head into my pillows.

It's that damn presence again. It feels so close to me, I could cry.

I felt that if I were to take a quick glance out from under my covers, it would be hovering over me, the sinister shadows crawling over the creature's ugly face.


My attention shifted to my phone. The bright screen blinded me, causing me to squint my eyes in my attempt at reading who the message was from.

It was a text message from Nobara.

At the sight of her name, I felt a sense of relief and became briefly distracted from my paranoia.

Hiiiii y/n!  Was everything alright with you during class today?  I just wanted to check in on ya :D

I smiled at her text and her concern for me. It really felt good to have at least someone who cared about me. I replied, telling her that everything is okay and that I was just feeling a bit sick to my stomach. It was partly a lie, but it was also partly true, I wasn't feeling very well.

She replied almost instantly,

You sureeee? Okay, If you say so. But c'mon y/n, don't lie. I saw you totally blushing at someone! *winky face*

I read her text and suddenly felt my stomach twist into a knot. She had made me recall a memory from today that I had managed to push away. 

That guy from my class. Fushiguro.

I typed out an entire text telling her that it was no one and she was only imagining things. But it didn't feel good lying to my best friend. I felt guilty and I knew she was onto me. She knew me all too well. I erased the message I had typed out and began typing what I truly felt.

I pressed send, this time replying truthfully. I told her all about Fushiguro and my attraction to him. Everything about how we locked eyes multiple times, and how I even saw him slightly blush at me when I walked past him on my way to the restroom. 

Awww, sounds like someone has a crush ;p  I hope you get to know him y/n, I really do. I think you two would look cute together hehe.

Anyway, it's like 2 am so I'm hittin' the hay. Good night! xoxo

At that, I hugged my phone to my chest, feeling my cheeks grow hot at the crazy thought of Fushiguro and me as a couple.

Love's Curse - Megumi Fushiguro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now