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- Chapter 9 -

Your attention, please! The train to Harajuku station is now at its destination, you may now begin to disembark. A woman's voice rang from the loudspeaker.

Once the train squealed to a halt, Nobara and I hopped off, making our way through the sliding doors. The evening air was fresh and slightly cool on my bare legs, making me begin to regret my decision. I decided to do as Nobara said, and wear something a bit more dressy and fashionable than my normal clothes, which were... usually on the comfortable side. She walked happily next to me, pointing and obsessing over all of the sparkly outfits in the store windows. She loved to shop. Like... really really loved to shop.

"Sooo where should we go to first Y/n?? There's... OOO!!! Let's go to Takeshita street!" she exclaimed, pulling my arm in her direction. I just laughed and went along.

The city was quite different than what I was used to. Loud and busy, compared to the quiet and serene aura that surrounded Jujutsu High campus. It was quite refreshing, actually, to be somewhere distracting and fun.

I observed the crowd of men and women in business uniforms holding briefcases, as they shuffled busily along the crosswalk. A few couples held hands and laughed, filling the air with a light and romantic ambiance. There were also kids riding their bikes, groups of girls in their school uniforms talking and laughing, Gojo Sensei and Megumi crossing the street, ..WAIT- GOJO SENSEI AND MEGUMI CROSSING THE STREET?!

"Nobara!" I whisper-yelled, tugging at her shirt. "Hmm? What is it Y/n?" My stomach began to twist in knots at the sight of him, walking just a crosswalk away from us. How could he possibly be here at the same time as us?  Better yet, what should I do? Should I hide? Or should I let him see me...?

I quickly grabbed Nobaras's hand and dragged her into the nearest coffee shop. Once we were inside, I exhaled, relieved he hadn't seen us. But why? Why am I struggling to face him?

"Y/n, you better tell me what the hell is going on!" she exclaimed, pure astonishment in her eyes. People in the shop began to look at us, their stares burning into my skin. I felt a wave of embarrassment wash over me. "Hold on, let's go to a table," I added, pulling her over to the nearest booth. Once we sat down, she threw her hands up dramatically, making a slightly annoyed and confused face.

"I saw him, Nobara," I quietly said, glancing around at the faces in the coffee shop. "I saw him and Gojo Sensei crossing the street just ahead of us."

She cupped her hand over her mouth and looked at me wide-eyed. "Y/n!!! Why don't we go out there and say hi?" she motioned, starting to get up out of her seat. "No!! Nobara, no. Sit down!!" I whispered loudly, pulling her back down to her seat. She tilted her head to the side, pure confusion filling her eyes.

My face was hot and I already felt my stomach twisting at the thought of facing him. Not to mention, he was also wearing that white button-down shirt with the black pants outfit, which was just enough to make me blush wildly at the thought.

Jingle jingle

The sudden sound of small bells chimed as the double doors opened, causing me to shift my attention to the front of the cafe.
"A table for two please!!" a familiar voice rang.

It could NOT possibly be...

There I saw, at the front of the cafe, Gojo Sensei standing with his arms crossed, next to Megumi, his hands stuffed casually in his pockets.

"Y/n your face is red. What's happening? Who are you looking at?" Nobara questioned, shifting her gaze to the front of the cafe. Once she caught a glimpse, she swiveled back around in her seat quickly to face me. A smile appeared on her face, "Oh my god Y/n your prince charming is here!" she giggled, pushing me lightly on the shoulder.

I quickly picked up the menu and used it to shield my face, praying that they wouldn't see us. I was way too flustered to face anyone, let alone face him.

"Wait is that..? Y/n.. and Nobara?! Didn't expect to see you two here!" That all too familiar and charismatic voice shouted, the sound of footsteps inching their way toward our table.

I turned to look up, bringing myself to face Gojo Sensei, who was standing tall over our table, flashing a grin down at Nobara and I. Then my gaze averted over to Megumi's pale green eyes. It was almost as if they threw darts at me, burning and stinging my skin with every passing second that his sharp stare stayed on me.

What the hell should I do?

• • •

Megumi's point of view

I did not expect to see her here, at all. Better yet, what the hell is she doing out? She should be resting and recovering in bed where I left her. It's that damn friend of hers, Kugisaki. It was her idea to bring her here, I just know it.

"Oh-h...hi Gojo Sensei! Didn't expect to see you here either!" her soft voice chimed. Her cheeks gleamed with a hue of bright red, and she just overall looked super tense. I mean, she is rather timid, but right now, she looked extremely uncomfortable. I wonder what's up.

But I also noticed that she was dressed... differently. Her outfit...It suited her well, except for a few bruises and cuts that were still on her knees from the previous night. Damn it, she should still be resting. Her injuries aren't even fully healed yet.

Then she grabbed her friend's hand and began walking quickly towards the exit, "See you in class Sensei!" she yelled, before disappearing out the door.

Huh. I wonder what all that was about.

"Hey let's just sit down and have a bite to eat, we still have things to discuss," I said to Gojo, motioning to a booth. He followed along and we sat down across from each other, picking up and looking through the menus.

"So, the first order of business! The case of the Harajuku Curse. How are we on that?" he asked, reclining comfortably in the chair.

I tapped my finger on the smooth wood of the table, trying to recall all of my knowledge on this new case we had received. Apparently, there is a grade 1 curse terrorizing civilians, specifically women, in Harajuku and the outskirts of Tokyo, which is also where Jujutsu High is located.

Great. Just great. She just so happens to be in Harajuku too. What happens if- oh god no. I can't let that happen again.

A sudden pang of nerves began twisting in my stomach at the thought of her being terrorized by yet another curse. She's already been through enough, I don't want to see her go through something like that ever again. Images of her face from that dark night flashed through my mind- the way her expression was filled with hurt, helplessness, and utter terror.

Without even thinking, I slammed my fist onto the table.

I can't let that curse get near her, damn it.

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