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- Chapter 18 -

I pushed the double doors open, feeling a rush of cool wind brush against my face. The trees swayed violently, the wind brushing its cold fingers against the big green leaves, pushing them sideways.

I stepped outside, immediately focusing my attention on Megumi, who was sitting on the curb kicking a few pebbles onto the pavement.

Did he wait for me?

I let the doors shut behind me, making a thudding sound as they closed in unison. His attention suddenly cast onto me as he realized that I was there. He stood up quickly, walking over to me and grabbing me by the wrist. It surprised me, but I just followed his lead as he began quickly pulling me behind him as he sped forward.

"Where are we going Megumi?" I questioned, following quickly behind him. His warm hand had a firm grasp on my wrist, almost squeezing the life out of it.

No answer.

"Megumi?" I pressed, starting to get frustrated at his strange behavior. I figured that the only way he would pay attention to me is if I stopped following him. I quickly halted my steps, making him stop in his tracks. He quickly turned around to face me, his jaw clenched in annoyance. His fierce eyes boarded into mine, nearly slicing me with their sharpness.

"Look, y/n. We might die today. I'm being 100% honest with you."

My heart sank at his words. I always looked up to him, his confidence, his power. But right now, it was all gone. He seemed sure of our fate. Yet, I felt confused at his words, almost angry. Why would he say that? Why isn't he even the slightest bit optimistic?

"B-But... No. No Megumi. No, we won't. We're going to fight that curse. We're n-not dead yet. Don't ever say that," I asserted, using every bit of might that was left in my sunken heart.

His eyes averted to the ground, slowly making their way up my body, landing on my eyes again. Their fierceness had softened a bit, giving him a less aggravated expression. He released his hold on my wrist and picked up both of my hands with his, placing them on his lips.

"You're right, y/n," he said, closing his eyes and breathing onto my hands. "My mind is already set. But still, we're going to go out there and we're gonna give it our all. Even if we die," he breathed against my hands again, his exhale warm and haggard. I could tell that his hands were slightly shaking, but he tried his best to conceal it.

"Y/n, follow me. There's something I need to do before we go on our mission." He looked deeply into my eyes, interlaced my fingers with his, and began walking forward, pulling me behind him again. I followed him, not looking back once. Wherever he's going to take me, I'm sure it'll be good. I trust him.

I continued following him, a zillion thoughts running through my mind as the slow anticipation grew heavier on my shoulders. He really thinks we're going to die, huh? The thought made my stomach twist, but as long as I was with him it didn't matter right? What about Nobara, my family, people who care about me? If I die, they'll be heartbroken and I really really don't want that. But as a Jujustu Sorcerer, it's important to save people's lives, even if it means putting my own on the line. Or even losing my own life.

We finally arrived at a telephone booth. It was pretty big, it's size big enough to fit a few people, unlike the others around campus that seemed about as small enough to barely fit all the way in.

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