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- Chapter 2 -

We made our way into our first-period class, the chilly breeze of the air conditioning giving me goosebumps. Shit... I forgot to bring a sweater like always. I'm such a genius.

Nobara and I sat towards the front of the classroom in our usual seats and chatted as the rest of the class slowly trickled in. The first-year class was relatively small, considering that every Jujutsu Sorcerer has a very rare ability to physically see curses. At least, that's what I had learned from personal experience and by taking good notes in Gojo Sensei's class.

I still remember that day. When I saw a curse for the first time. I remember it like it was yesterday. That all too familiar presence that made my blood run cold. I experienced it then. I experience it now.

But could there really be... a curse nearby? No... it can't be possible. This campus is on very sacred grounds. Nothing like that could surpass the keen senses of experienced sorcerers. But still, if that were to be the case, I'm way too vulnerable and weak. Hell, I'm only familiar with one Jujutsu technique and I'm not even that good at it.

My thoughts were halted when the door slid open and a pair of footsteps echoed into the room.

"Good morning my wonderful students!" a happy Gojo Sensei chimed, "I'm glad to be back today. I also heard that the substitute was not to your liking!" he added, turning to face in the direction of Nobara and me. I felt slightly embarrassed at his gesture as I recalled what I had said earlier. I glanced at my friend, who looked as she was trying her best to keep from laughing.

He turned toward the rest of the class and continued on, "For anyone wondering, the mission was successful, thanks to the help of your fellow classmate Fushiguro."

Fushiguro? I had recalled that name from the first-ish week of school, but I couldn't put a face to the name.

"Not to brag, but he is one of our finest first-year Sorcerers. I am very impressed with your work, Fushiguro." Gojo Sensei gushed, motioning to the back of the classroom.

That's it. I had to get a look at this "Fushiguro" guy. It wouldn't hurt to just slightly turn around and get a peek, right?

I slowly turned around in my chair, as to not make it obvious, and swiveled my head around to get a full view of the back of the classroom.

I could tell as soon as I saw him, why Gojo Sensei prized him. He stood out like a sore thumb. But in a good way. An aura of mystery surrounding him.

Seeming tall from what I could tell, he sat in his chair comfortably, supporting his chin on the palm of his hand. His hair was jet black, interesting, almost messy looking. A few wisps sprawled out in several directions and some pieces covered his forehead, framing his face nicely. He wore a calm, yet unreadable expression, his lips resting in a straight line. He just seemed... expressionless.

I was intrigued at the fact that he wasn't wearing the typical navy blue Jujutsu High uniform, but instead, he wore a white collared button-down, the sleeves rolled up at the elbows exposing his ivory skin. The shirt was tucked into some well-fitting black slacks and he wore a pair of brown, worn-out shoes.

My eyes must've lingered on him for too long when his gaze suddenly met mine. He had, from what I could tell at a distance, light green eyes. Like sage.


I felt my heart begin to intensely pound in my chest as his sudden attention boarded into me.

Why the hell is my heart pounding so fast?

I quickly looked away and shifted myself to face the front of the classroom again. My heart still strummed against my ribs and I felt a sudden heat flash through my body.

Love's Curse - Megumi Fushiguro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now