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- Chapter 5 -


My eyes fluttered open at the sudden thud. My tired body jolted up out of it's peaceful slumber, my heart rate increasing as I slowly regained consciousness. My room was pitch black, meaning something must've blown my candle out.

The calm and peace I had felt earlier was totally gone now, my pulse strumming in my ears as adrenaline coursed through my veins. I could feel how wide my eyes were, trying their best to grasp at any form of light, but failing miserably. I couldn't see a damn thing.


A sudden roar of thunder echoed, rattling my windows so bad I thought they would shatter at any moment. I gasped as the pressure in my chest grew stronger, causing me to choke for air. I pressed my hands to my chest as hard as I could, trying my best to take deep breaths.

Shit shit shit! Not this again. My anxiety is getting worse by the second. I can't have this happen. Not again.

I could picture a clear image of my medication bottle stuffed in a drawer across the room.

If only I could get to that drawer...I could take an anxiety pill and feel at ease.

I made a mental plan: that I would get up, sprint to my dresser, light my candle again, grab my meds, and make a run for it back to my safe place, my bed.

Okay. This doesn't sound so bad. You can do it, y/n, you can do it. It'll be quick.

Trembling, I began to slowly pull the covers back and climb out of bed, pressing a toe to the floor and slowly lowering my feet to the ground. I was now standing next to my bed, blindly feeling around for something to grab- Something to hold onto so that I could steady myself.

That's when I felt something warm skim my neck. Like a hot breath. Sheer terror raced through my entire body, making the hairs on the nape of my neck stand. It was a feeling so familiar, yet so foreign. It was different. This feeling was so unpleasant, I felt like I wanted to puke. To just collapse from sheer terror.

What. The. Hell. Was. THAT?!?!

My feet took control of my body and I started to make a run for it, in the complete and utter darkness. I had no idea what was near or around me. There wasn't even much room in my small dorm for me to run. I felt something hard hit my foot causing a dart of pain to spread into my toe. I had jammed it against something. My dresser. No. I had fallen on top of my dresser, knocking all of my glass belongings onto the floor, hearing them shatter on impact.

I tried to grasp at something to steady myself, but I ended up falling on the cold, hard floor, feeling the shards of glass sting my hands and my knees. I knew I was near that drawer, so I shoved one open, searching for dear life. I searched for anything that could help me out in this situation. Anything.

My hand stumbled upon a small, rectangular object. My fingers frantically traced along the smooth plastic and the serrated edge of a small metallic ring. I made out that it was a lighter and I snatched it up quickly.

Flick. Flick.

In such a state of panic, I struggled to even do something as simple as ignite a lighter. My hands trembled so badly, I even dropped it a few times.


At last, I was able to get the lighter to flick on. The small flame illuminating a small radius of my room, enough for me to make out shapes and see what was around me.

My breaths were so heavy, that they disturbed the flame, almost making it go out. I huffed and huffed, trying to catch my breath. Then I heard a small sound to the left of me. Like a distorted voice of some sort. I quickly swiveled my body in the direction of the sound, bringing the flame of the lighter out in front of me, to reveal what stood before me.

There it stood. The ugliest, most terrifying creature I had ever seen in my life, staring back at me. It let out an evil screech and began stumbling in my direction.

A curse. I was right this entire time. About everything. About the presence, about my gut feeling. Everything. And now, I was face to face with it. I- I'm going to die. I don't want to die.

I screamed. It was the loudest, most blood curdling scream. So loud, it nearly rattled the windows.

I stumbled backwards in a panic, but ended up ramming into the wall behind me. I was cornered. This was not going to end well.

My legs gave out and I sunk to the floor, dropping the lighter. I began to weep. This was it. I was done for. I was weak. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't even use cursed energy or any form of technique. Tears continued to roll down my face.

The distorted voice grew closer to me, inching its slimy, grimy, disgusting self closer and closer.

I buried my head in my trembling hands and sobbed bitterly.

This is it.

Love's Curse - Megumi Fushiguro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now