After the rain

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- Chapter 7 -

Sunlight trickled in from my window, bathing my skin in it's warm touch. The subtle sound of birds chirped their cheerful tune as my eyes fluttered open. It was morning now and all of the gray rain clouds and gloom from the previous night had vanished.

I still laid on my quilt, where I had been placed the night before. I reached out to feel the spot next to me, just out of sheer curiosity, but felt nothing. My bed was empty like always. I felt a small pit in my stomach, a bit disheartened that he hadn't stayed.

I tried to sit up in my bed, but the pounding in my head wouldn't allow it. My head felt like it was 100 pounds and I couldn't even lift it off the pillow. My muscles and joints also ached liked crazy. I managed to comfortably shift onto my right side, throwing my leg over a pillow to support my hips.

I averted my attention down to the floor, my eyes widening at who I saw. There, on the floor right next to my bed, lay Megumi, sound asleep. He was laying flat on his back with his hands resting on his chest, rising and falling with each gentle breath. I kind of felt bad that he was sleeping on the cold, hard floor. Well, he managed to make a makeshift bed which consisted of a rolled up towel to use as a pillow. I smiled at the thought of him tip toeing around my room like a spy, searching around for something to sleep on.

Not only was I physically smiling, but I could feel my heart smiling. Smiling purely at the fact that he cared this much to stay with me through the night, making sure that I would be okay. He even tended to my wounds and provided emotional support. What else could I ask for? How could I possibly express my gratitude to him? A simple "thank you" couldn't seem like merely enough to express how I felt.

I continued observing him, noticing how the warm sunlight glowed on his pearly skin, accentuating his beautiful features. His eyelashes nearly took my breath away. Damn they're long. Longer than mine, even. I focused my attention to his lips. The way they were slightly parted, allowing warm breaths escape to them.

I really had the best view from up here. Even though my bed was relatively close to the floor and he was about an arm's length away, I still had a good view of him. I didn't wanna seem creepy or anything , but how could I miss this opportunity to observe him and all of his beauty? I would have to simply be blind to not have the urge to stare at him.

After I had examined his face, my eyes lingered on his inky black hair. It looked so delicate and soft in the sunlight. I just wanted to reach my hand out and run my fingers through it. Before I could even stop myself, I was already touching his hair, feeling the silky strands fall through my fingers. A gentle blush crept across my face.

Then I watched as one of his eyes fluttered open. He curiously peeked at me through a single minty green orb. I retracted my hand quickly, slightly startled that he had awakened. My face flushed red as I realized what I was doing.

What the hell, y/n? You probably look like a creep to him now, invading his personal space like that as he slept. I thought to myself, embarrassed that I had been caught.

He closed his eyes momentarily and then opened both, bringing them up into my gaze again. I could feel my stomach begin to twist and flutter at every passing second he kept his stare on me. He took a deep breath, still waking up from his sleepy daze. Rubbing one of his eyes, he yawned and sat up on the floor.

"How are you feeling?" he asked in a sleepy voice. I couldn't help but blush even more at the sound of his voice in this state. It was deeper and huskier than normal, making my heart flutter.

"I'm fine, just a slight headache," I said, adjusting my pillow. Yup, I lied. It wasn't just a slight headache. My head was actually pounding like crazy.

"You sure? It seems like you can't even lift your head off the pillow," he replied, observing as I winced slightly in attempt at sitting up.

"No, no. I'm fine, really! What time is it? Has school started?" I asked, using all of my might to push myself up into a sitting position. I really was terrible at acting. I couldn't pretend that I was okay, when really, I was in pain. As I was getting ready to get out of bed, he quickly sprung up to his feet and gently grabbed my wrist.

"You can't go to school like this, y/n. Not after what happened last night. You need to rest. I'll let Gojo Sensei and your other instructors know why you're gone."

He slowly helped lower me back down to my pillow, placing his hand on the back of my head to guide me.

He's right. I physically can't go to school today. I can't even walk. I have to rest and recover.

I watched his calm expression as he helped me lay back down, remembering all of last nights occurrences. He really took care of me. He really saw me at my lowest point. How could I possibly repay him for all he's done?

"Megumi?" I shifted my eyes to stare directly into his.


"Thank you for everything, really. I.."  I felt warm tears begin to pool in my eyes, then spill over and slowly trickle down my face as they pleased. But I continued, "..I can't even begin to express my gratitude. If- if it weren't... if it weren't for you I'd be... I'd be..." That's when the floodgates broke, a wave of tears making me choke back all of my words, not allowing me to finish my sentence. I sobbed into my palms.

If it weren't for him I'd be dead.

I felt a warm hand rest on the crown of my head.
"Y/n, look at me." I wiped my tears off on the sleeve of my sweater (actually his sweater we're still wearing) and turned to look up at him.
"It's my duty as a Jujutsu Sorcerer. But I don't know what I would do if someone I-  ...If someone special had been killed by one of those monsters." He looked at me with a sliver of vexation in his eyes, his mouth resting in a hard line. It seemed that at the mention of the curse, he was angered. I looked at him in worry, not sure how to console him.

Then he took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a brief moment. I felt his hand travel from the top of my head to the side of my cheek, cupping it gently. He wiped away my tears with the side of his thumb. The corners of his lips slightly drew upwards, and his expression softened.

"I'm just glad that you're okay. Now promise me you'll get some rest?"

I nodded, smiling, "I won't leave this bed."

He left shortly after that, and I'm pretty sure he was late to his first period. My mind began to reminisce about what he had just said. The way he touched my face and looked at me with such a soft expression. The mere thoughts of him making my heart pound.

"Someone special" his smooth voice echoed in my head as I remembered his words.

He said I'm.... I'm special to him.

Love's Curse - Megumi Fushiguro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now