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- Chapter 8 -

Warm, gentle hands caressed my flesh, fingers traced along my torso, his irresistible touch leaving me wanting more. Our lips danced in unison, both of us exchanging mutual bliss. My hands were pinned by both sides of my head, fingers interlaced, as I felt warm kisses scatter around my neck. His breath mingled with mine as he hovered over me, running his fingers through my hair. "I need to tell you something," he breathily whispered into my ear. His mint eyes staring into mine, "I love yo-


I gasped, sitting up in my bed, feeling the heat radiate off from my body and my cheeks. I looked out my window, it was still daytime. I must've only napped for a few hours.

Oh my god. Did I really just dream about that...?

I cupped my hands on my cheeks, blushing like crazy as I thought about the feeling of his touch- It felt so real.


My phone continued to ring loudly on my nightstand, annoying the hell out of me. Before it could ring again, I answered it without even checking the caller id.

"Hello?" I quickly spat.

"Y/NNN! OH MY GOD THANK GOD YOU PICKED UP ARE YOU OKAY?" Nobara's voice blared through the small speaker, making me jolt the phone away from my ear.

"Relax!! I'm fine Nobara. Perfectly fine. Just a few nicks and scratches, don't get all worked up!" I laughed, trying my best to console her.


"Nobara! Calm down I'm fi-.." and that's when she hung up. I laughed to myself thinking about how much of a scene she was probably causing at school. She really was the polar opposite of me, loud and extroverted, while I was well, quieter.

I sat up in my bed and yawned, feeling only the slightest headache. Overall, I felt better and my headache was almost gone. Resting helped me recover. I'm really glad I listened to him and stayed home.

Not before long, I heard a quick knock at my door, and then it was flung open. Nobara waltzed in, holding something behind her back. "Y/n!!!!" She yelled, running over to my bed. I sat up and gave her a smile. "Pick a hand," she said, her smirk growing wider. I weighed my options, but ended up choosing, "hmm.. left." She stuck her left hand out in front of her, holding a large cluster of pretty blue wildflowers. They were bunched in her hand as if she had just handpicked them from the garden outside.

She must've handpicked them. How thoughtful. My smile grew as I thought about how she took the time to do this for me.

"Nobara they're- they're beautiful." I smiled, looking up at her teary-eyed.
"AWW don't cry Y/n. You'll make me cry!" she cooed, leaning over my bed to give me a big hug.

She placed the flowers in a vase and went over to the sink to fill it with water. "So what exactly happened last night!?" she asked curiously, her voice echoing from my bathroom. She returned shortly, placing the vase on my nightstand, and then sat cozily on the foot of my bed.

I explained everything to her, well, as best as I could remember. We talked for a long time and I even cried a few times as I remembered the utter fear and weakness that devoured me that night, but she was there to comfort me. Then I explained the part where he came to save me.

"WAI-wait wait wait. Go back a little bit...Megumi..? Who's that? Never heard that name in my damn life," Nobara interrupted, stroking her chin curiously. A sudden blush appeared on my face as I remembered that Megumi and I are now on a first name basis. Everyone at school mostly knew him as Fushiguro.

"....Y/n you're blushing- Y/N YOU'RE BLUSHING!! Is it who I think it is?!?" she giggled, cupping her hand over her mouth. I smiled and looked away, slowly nodding. "AHHH tell me everything!!!!. Wait so he saved you?? Wow he's like prince charming over here saving his little princess," she gushed, winking at me suggestively.

We kept talking and I explained every little detail, and every once in a while we would burst in giggles, slapping our hands over our mouth and kicking our feet in excitement as we talked about the occurrences between Megumi and I. She also had the best reaction when I told her the parts about him sleeping over and that I was wearing his sweater. "He SLEPT OVER?!? You two might as well just be married already, my god."

She really was so happy for me, and I could see that in her eyes, the way she was genuinely smiling and giggling, almost as if she couldn't wait for Megumi and I to keep growing our relationship. I felt really happy to have someone like her in my life, such a supportive person that cared for me and someone I could talk to about anything.

"Nobara, I'm really grateful for you. I really am." I said with a small smile, turning to look at her. When I glanced at her face, I noticed her bottom lip slightly quivering and her eyes become watery.

"Aww, Y/n look what you made me do *sniff* I'm *sniff* gonna cry." She got up and walked over to my side of the bed and leaned down, giving me another big hug. "Y/n I'm really sorry," she cried into my shoulder, her words muffled by my hair. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

Sorry? What could she possibly be sorry for?

"Sorry for what?" I asked, slightly pulling her away from my embrace to get a better look at her. "I'm sorry that I couldn't be here for you too- like Fushiguro. I feel like a terrible friend for not helping kill that ugly, disgusting ass creature that tried to hurt my best friend." She sniffled and wiped her tears with her sleeves.

I looked at her in all seriousness, "Nobara, don't ever say that. You are the furthest from being anything like a bad friend. What happened last night was completely out of your control. You're here with me now and that's all that matters."

She sniffled and gave me a warm smile. "Oh come here, you!" I said, pulling her into another hug. We both giggled and wiped our tears. "Okay I'm done crying! I swear," she laughed, wiping a few stray hairs out of her vision.

"You know what, Y/n. We should get all ready and go into the city and have some fun. C'mon it's much needed!" she added excitedly. I smiled and elbowed her playfully, "Who do you think I am? Of course. Let's do it."

Off to the city we go.

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