By the ocean / By your side

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- Chapter 24 -
(Final Chapter)

Back to the POV of Y/n

The last two days in the hospital  passed by in the blink of an eye, as Megumi and I were now walking hand-in-hand out of what had been our residence for the past 2 months. We waved our goodbyes to the nurses and to Dr. Akutami, who stood by the double doors waving contently.

Mr. Kiyotaka Ijichi was waiting for us in a black car. He was easy to spot; a middle-aged man with small, rectangular glasses, an awkward stance, and his phone always up to his ear.

We hopped in the back seat and we were off, back to Jujutsu High.

About an hour of driving down windy roads, resting on Megumi's shoulder, and listening to Mr. Ijichi's monotonous conversations on his cellphone, consisted of the entire drive back. I peered through the car window, observing as the rocky mountains turned into the city of Tokyo and then into the lush, beautiful nature that surrounded our school.

It felt good to be back.

. . .

A couple of hours passed as Megumi and I unwound in his dorm. We chatted as I helped him unpack his little "care package" that Dr. Akutami had given to us to help tend to his wounds for the next few weeks as they completely healed. Being in his dorm room together felt really nice, it was kind of like a taste of living together in the future, like we had talked about.

Megumi's phone dinged on his dresser and he walked over to check it. A few seconds later, my cellphone vibrated in my back pocket.

I unlocked my phone, seeing a new message from Nobara.

Nobara: Meet us at Odaiba Beach at 7pm :D

I smiled down at my phone, looking up at Megumi to see that he had read his message as well.

"Soooo?" I asked, motioning to his phone.

"It was Satoru, he said to meet him and Kugisaki at seven for my 'recovery' celebration or whatever."

I walked over to him with an encouragement already planned out in my mind for him, thinking he was annoyed about the whole thing. That was, until I saw his lip unexpectedly curl into a warm smile.

"I'm excited," he said, taking my hand in his. I was brought aback. It was like he had transformed into a new, happier Megumi since we had been discharged from the hospital. He seemed to have a never ending smile on his face and I absolutely loved it.

I interlaced my fingers with his and he leaned down to give me a kiss on the forehead.

"It'll be fun for us, Y/n."

. . .

Megumi and I hopped off the train at exactly 6:50 pm, which gave us 10 minutes to make our way to the designated beach.

The paved hill, up which we walked, soon turned into delicate sand as we neared the shoreline. A wooden sign with large, bubbly blue letters read: "Welcome to Odaiba Beach." 

I could sense the air become more humid as the ocean breeze blew along my bare arms. I had decided to wear a long, white, strapless sundress which showcased my dainty gold necklaces. He wore a loose, white button up, lazily tucked into some light blue denim jeans.

The warm, July air felt much more tangible by the beach with it's warm, golden sun and wind tousling my hair. Walking down the coast with Megumi by my side truly filled every gap in my heart, filling it to the brim. My two favorite places now in one. It was simply perfect.

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