Deep Wounds

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- Chapter 22 -

Beep.... Beep.... Beep...

The slow, monotonous tune of the hospital monitors beeped and echoed in my ears as I sat a nervous wreck at the edge of my seat. The hospital waiting room was quiet and welcoming; warm, brown walls boxed me in as I sat alone. A small round table stood perfectly clean and unbothered, almost mocking me as I sat shaking and filthy in front of it.

My hair was matted with dirt and oil, my fingernails crusted with mud, and my clothes ripped in all kinds of places. I was a complete mess. But that didn't matter to me, I was here to see Megumi, he was my only concern at the moment. At every moment.

Shortly after I had defeated that wretched curse Jogo, Gojo Sensei appeared to congratulate me, as well as call an ambulance as I sobbed on the ground next to Megumi, who once lay on the ground without moving. Gojo Sensei's usual charismatic aura turned into a more sympathetic one as he patted my back, gently smiling as he watched me wail.
"He's not dead y/n, he'll be okay. The ambulance will be here soon"
I remembered him consoling me repeatedly in the car too, as he drove me here. Now I wait alone.

• • •

"Miss L/n?"
My heart jolted in my chest as I heard my last name called from the sweet voice of the nurse that stood clipboard in hand at the front desk. Without hesitation, I instantly lunged from my chair and hurried to the nurse, her friendly expression serving as a small sign that things were okay. But I wouldn't know that until I saw Megumi. I needed to see him.

"Please follow me this way," she said, waving a hand to lead me down the large hallway.
As I quickly followed behind her, my heart pounded in my chest, my breaths short and shaky as I pictured what Megumi would look like in the hospital bed. I didn't want to see him this way, it pained me, physically pained me at the thought. I recalled memories of Jogo grasping him by the neck without a care, his limp body completely helpless as he was dragged across the dirt. A shudder escaped my body, giving me goosebumps as I recalled Jogo's evil face and voice. Yet I still remembered the peace in his eyes as I exorcised him. His reaction was all still a mystery to me.

The nurse stopped in front of a door and placed a hand on the knob, turning around to face me before opening it.
"Honey, don't be shocked at the bandages, all he has are a few cuts and scratches on that angel face of his, no need to worry, they'll heal," she reassured me with a smile. I tapped my foot nervously as she spoke, completely disregarding her.

Can she just open the damn door already?

I quickly nodded and took a deep breath as she pushed the door open into Megumi's room, a cool blast of air brushing against my cheeks and hair as I hurried inside. The room was painted a cool, minty color, the color of sage, reminding me of his eyes. I immediately saw a curtain in front of the white bed where Megumi lay without moving. I ran over to the side of the bed and fell to my knees as tears began to form in my tired eyes. It pained me to see him there, unconscious with an array of bandages of all sizes covering his arms, neck, and face.

"A few scratches? You call THIS a few scratches?!?"
I couldn't contain myself from unleashing at that nurse who stood almost too quietly by the door. She took a step forward and opened her mouth to say something but hesitated and took a step backward instead.  "The nerve you have. He's unconscious. Unconscious. Can you please just- give me some space. Let me be alone with him," I managed to say through choked back tears.

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