Chapter 9: Oh Shit We Got Found Out- part 1

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  The moment Hitoshi walked into the apartment he lived in with his dads, he saw his dad's face and his little niggling feeling that had been tugging at him for the weekend was confirmed.
  He had thought his dad had seen his and Nagisa's faces when they Teleported away, but now, he walked into the apartment and it's confirmed. Mentally, he started praying to Arceus to fucking help him.
  "Hitoshi Shinso-Aizawa-Yamada, were you at the park on Friday, at 10 pm with monsters?
  Hitoshi gulped and started subconsciously reviewing what Nagisa had told him about Pokemon Battles.
  It caused not a shocked expression on his dad's face, but rather a 'I knew it!' one.
  "Ah. And why were you there in the first place?"
  Oh shit. Hitoshi knew he was screwed. If he didn't tell his dad, they would eventually get the information out of him. And if he did, Nagisa would kill him. So he—
  "I- um, Nagisa was there too and....the explanation concerns her true Quirk. I'll explain it if she's here."
  (And if you're wondering why he didn't brainwash his dad, it's bc I can't write stuff like that. Just not creative enough)
  So, he called Nagisa over, explained the situation over the phone, and begged her not to come over on a Pidgeot.
  She came after 15 minutes. Not on a Pidgeot. Instead of flying up to the window on a giant bird thing, she came in the proper way— through the front door.

  Nagisa took a seat on the chair next to Hitoshi at the Aizawa-Yamada family's dining table, opposite his parents. With a perfectly straight face, she blatantly told them that what she said her Quirk was was a lie.
  "My Quirk is not Storage. It doesn't just allow me to keep things in a multi-dimensional space (Like Requip haha I love Erza), it's more.... Pokemon-based."
  And then she explained that she meant Monsters, and their centuries-old abbreviation, Pokemon.
  (At this point class is starting soon so just go back to the description and read there.)
  Nagisa explained all the details of her Quirk, from her being able to create Pokemon Items, healing Pokemon, talking to them and all the other stuff as well.
  By the end of her 'speech', she looked up and noticed, quite 'innocently', that Hitoshi's dads were looking like they were in shock.
  "Yes?" She asked 'innocently', secretly amused at their shocked expressions.
  " I-We...." Shota Aizawa put his fingers to the bridge of his nose and pressed." Please come again tomorrow, we'll discuss things then. Hizashi and I need to think about this."
  And that was how Nagisa was lying on her bed 2 hours later talking to her friends in the MPG via video call.
  " that's how I'm going to meet them tomorrow to discuss my 'fate'," she finished. "Worst case scenario, I get arrested and can't go to high school, which would suck. Best case scenario, they blackmail me into doing stuff for them. But don't worry, I didn't tell them about the MPG."
  "NAGISA!!!" she winced as all her friends yelled at her from their phones.
  Crystal was the first to actually reply." You think we don't actually care about you, and just the Pokemon? No way! We care about you, we won't let you get arrested and not go to school!"
  Black and Cheren were the next. "Yeah, I don't see why you like school so much, but we sure ain't getting you arrested!" Black yelled.(A/N: I googled the protagonists of each games' names, but because I read the Pokemon Adventures Manga and I love it too much, I will refer them as the names they were given in the manga. If I have said this already, ignore this A/N)
  "Yes, as a teacher like my ancestor was,I really don't want you to miss out on your higher education," Cheren continued.
  "Ok, I get it. You guys care about me. But remember I wasn't really cared about back when I lived with my parents?" Nagisa was feeling a small warm feeling that her comrades-no, friends cared about her like the family she never actually had.

Ok guys I have a feeling I'd do better if I split this chapter into 2 parts. Next one- I think I'll release it before end February instead. But also expect a slight delay because Chinese New Year is coming in February and I'll need to help my family with the Big Cleanup.
Chapters will be short or long depending on my motivation to write. So this is a shorter chapter, but there'll be another short one to make a whole long one next time. That's the reasoning my brain came up with.

Not All Of Them Are "Monsters" Bnha x Pokemon (BEING REWRITTEN ON AO3)Where stories live. Discover now