A Break-in and USJ Part 2

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  As All Might revealed why he came to the USJ that day, Nagisa was dealing with something else...
  That something else being the monster throwing off her Druddigon like it was no heavier than a Lego block.

  "LOOK OUT!" yelled Midoriya, as Druddigon went hurtling off and slamming into wall, thankfully not hitting any of the students but...
  It was not a pretty sight.

  Nagisa was about to run after her Pokemon, but was swept up by All Might, who had also grabbed Midoriya, Asui and the weirdly short guy who was wearing a diaper. All Might deposited the 4 of them on the ground, telling them to take Aizawa, whom he had also pulled away from the villains.

  But hell if Nagisa was going to leave her Pokemon.

  Dashing in, she pulled the hood of her jacket over her head, also taking out her pokeballs.

  In a swift motion, she summoned her Pokemon back into their balls, ignoring All Might's shout of surprise and shot back to Aizawa's side.

  .......Only to look back and see All Might wrestling with the monster.

   Then Midoriya suddenly rushed in, attempting to assist All Might. Then Bakugo was suddenly in the picture, blasting away at the monster

  Then suddenly, it turned into Kirishima, Bakugo, Todoroki and Midoriya staring down the monster and All Might.

    Waves of ice and the monster was frozen, stopping just before All Might. Nagisa was tempted to scream "IT"S SUPER EFFECTIVE!" but if she did that, attention would be drawn to her, so, no.

  Then All Might ripped off the monster's arm. Yuck

  Then it regenerated. Oh shit.

  The hands villain started bragging about how the monster had multiple Quirks, Shock Absorption, Regeneration, Et Cetera, which by all means, should be frankly impossible but proof was right there, so yeah.

  Multiple Quirks lol.

  The boys tried to help All Might, but he told them to get away, because heck, they weren't properly trained. Almost not at all.

  Then All Might announced he was gonna do this thing where he would go  beyond the monster's limits. Okay, wow, especially since the hands villain said that the monster was designed to take him at 100 percent. In other words, if what All Might said was true, then the math wasn't mathing correctly.

  In battling, once the pokemon ran out of hp, they fainted and could not go on. Unless you had a Revive or something, but that's an anomaly.

  So.......... In the end All Might punched the monster through the roof.

  And then the police and the rest of the teachers came, but the villains escaped, yet leaving behind the monster.

  One that was not quite human, yet definitely not any Pokemon Nagisa had ever seen before. It was both an abomination and a marvel, yet they chose to leave it behind.

  Weirdly enough, once the hand man and foggy guy left, the monster became silent and unmoving.

  Somewhat like a remote-controlled toy.....

  So odd.

  Oh well, not really Nagisa's problem. What was, though, was that she was pulled aside right before she could go home with the other students. For what, though?

  Oh. Right. The Pokemon.
  Well, shit.

  Technically, though Nagisa had used her Pokemon to help her class, they were still pretty much illegal in the eyes of the HPSC and their laws.

  Which probably meant that 1. She was in serious trouble and 2. Some of her classmates had seen her summon Pokemon, which could mean that they could tell their families, and if they were Poke-hating idiots like the HPSC, UA would get backlash for admitting a student with connections to 'such monsters' and one in the hero course, no less.

  In other words, Nagisa was pretty sure she and her Pokemon were screwed.

  She was led away by Aizawa and Mic, to a separate room with a guy who was wearing a trench coat inside. Oh, and a cool hat.

  The Trench Coat guy introduced himself as Tsukauchi Naomasa, a detective who has been involved in at least 10 Pokemon cases.

  Cases in which Heroes tried to capture Pokemon, but failed due to..... Unique circumstances*.

  So basically, as Nagisa suspected, she was in trouble for bringing out her Pokemon, as apparently UA hid from the HPSC that Nagisa had a Quirk relating to Pokemon, or that she was even affiliated with Pokemon in the first place.

  But it turned out that Nagisa's classmates, those who had seen her Pokemon, were instructed to keep anything about her and her Mons confidential. No telling their families, or anyone else. Because, as it was explained to them, Nagisa would explain what she was doing with Pokemon during the villain attack. Meanwhile, if they leaked info about 'monsters', it could cause a panic and said backlash against UA.

  Gee, now explaining the situation has been forced into Nagisa herself. Couldn't even ask Aizawa for help.
  Thanks a lot, Sensei.

  Well, at least there was a day's break the next day. Nagisa got to sleep in with her Pokemon sitting on her face. As usual.

  Then she spent the day battling with Hitoshi. Pokemon battles, to be clear.

  Then Diamond and his cousin Lucas came barging into the motor shop, because somebody had accidentally broken his Poketch. Lol.

  Sojiro fixed it while Dia and Lucas had a tag team battle with Nagisa and Hitoshi. It ended in a draw.
(Look I don't actually know what Pokemon they used. I'm just kinda tired.)

  Well, it took not a really long time to get this chapter out.
At least by my standards.

  Now time to brainstorm how exactly I can write out Nagisa explaining Pokemon to her class while not actually copying too much from the other Pokemon/Bnha fanfictions I've read-
*The MPG wrecked all the Heroes' chances of capturing Pokemon. Lol.


Not All Of Them Are "Monsters" Bnha x Pokemon (BEING REWRITTEN ON AO3)Where stories live. Discover now