Chapter 11: First Day

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  Beep beep went the alarm clock, on a Monday morning sunny and clear.
  Nagisa woke up to a Fennekin butt on her face. Fantastic way to start the day. She pushed Fleo off her face and got up, rolling out of bed. (Also it should be noted that Nagisa's hair is cut much shorter now, and she looks like Antarcticite from Land of the Lustrous.)
  (Timeskip to Train Station)
  As she met Hitoshi at the Train Station, now dressed in her new UA uniform with the unbelievably short skirt, Nagisa couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.
  First day jitters, am I right?
  When they got to UA, though, the  jitters got worse.

  And worse, and worse, and worse.

  Till she had a freaking stomachache as she walked the halls of UA to class 1 A.
  Ah well. As she slid open the ridiculously tall door of the classroom, she noticed square boi from the entrance exam sitting in the  classroom. Seemed like she was second. She sat somewhere near the back.
  She chose to sit through the part where Bakugo Katsuki stormed in, plopped his feet and butt onto his table and chair, and the square boi started scolding him for it.
  Ah well. She ignored it, even as the protagonist of the original story came in and was assaulted by another student who came in.
  'That's the same guy who knocked over my birthday cake last year, and destroyed his whole arm when he killed the whole zero-pointer during the entrance exam. That's the girl he saved doing so. That's the guy who called him out before the exam started for mumbling. Ȋ̶̧̨̧̙̭͎̻̱̪͓̯̺͉̦n̷̢̬͈͊͌̒͜t̷̡͕̖̭̗̦̐̃͌͆̌̐ę̸̡̨̢̫̘̙̠͚̣̩̦̯͎͛͐̔̒̐̊g̴̬͛̅̀̈́́̉̔̀̊͂̽̚ŕ̶̢̡̬͙͈̣͍̞̖̘̞͉̽̿͌͋͗ȋ̸̡̤̙̪͓͙̖̱̃̿̊́̿̐̇̾̚̕͜t̵̢̻̞̗͖̥̥̱̤̺̦͍̬̆̈́͋̈́̀̈́͂͐̊̽̀̎̉͒̃ỹ̶͚̝̙̱̘̉̍̽͒͆̈́̍̾͒̄̕, what are your thoughts?"

  There was a bit of glitching surrounding Nagisa, and a voice appeared in her head.
  "I̷ ̷t̴h̵i̶n̷k̴ ̴t̷h̵a̸t̵ ̴y̷o̷u̸r̶ ̸t̶e̴a̵c̸h̴e̶r̸ ̸i̷s̵ ̶c̷o̸m̸i̵n̷g̵ ̵i̵n̸ ̵w̴i̵t̴h̷ ̵h̴i̵s̵ ̸s̵l̸e̵e̷p̵i̶n̶g̶ ̶b̶a̶g̵ ̷r̵i̵g̵h̴t̶ ̵n̴o̶w̵,̶ ̸h̴e̷'̵s̸ ̸g̸o̶n̵n̴a̷ ̵c̶a̸l̴l̷ ̶o̶u̸t̴ ̵e̸v̷e̴r̸y̴o̸n̵e̶ ̵e̶l̸s̸e̵ ̶f̵o̵r̵ ̸n̸o̸t̷ ̵n̷o̸t̴i̶c̶i̵n̷g̶ ̸h̸i̵m̵ ̸a̶f̸t̸e̴r̶ ̷e̷i̷g̵h̸t̸ ̵s̷e̸c̵o̸n̸d̸s̸.̵ ̵"
  "Woah, Creator, you know what's gonna happen?"
  "U̵p̸ ̶u̷n̸t̴i̶l̴ ̴s̵o̵m̸e̷t̴i̸m̷e̸ ̸n̸e̷x̶t̴ ̴y̵e̴a̴r̷,̷ ̴y̴e̶s̵.̷"
  "I shall not question how you know this. All I know is that I am in an AU of an original story that you created, along with me."
" C̴o̴r̸r̵e̷c̶t̷.̶ ̸N̵o̵w̸ ̴g̶o̵ ̷n̴o̵t̸i̷c̷e̵ ̴S̴h̴o̶u̸t̸a̸ ̶A̸i̸z̴a̴w̴a̸.̵"

  As the mystery voice said, she saw her teacher, also Hitoshi's dad, flop into the doorway with his sleeping bag. She waved. He shrugged and 6 seconds later, he made himself known.
  "If you're here to socialise, get out." Was what he said to Midoriya and Uraraka (their names came to Nagisa's mind, courtesy of Į̸̢̧̱͖̯͙̈́̓͋̓̔̾̾̾n̷̡͍̺͙̮̣̠̬͙̒͗̐̀̐ͅt̷̮̫̠̖̭͖̝͔͑͋͌͂͆̏̃͋̈́̽̚̕̚͜e̷̡̛̲̞̪̲̋̾̓̽̀͗͆̿̒́̆͐̅̋g̵͈̳͋͒̂r̵̢̛̝̼̯̩̟̙͉̣͍̠̤̩͂̑̊͌̌͋̕i̶̢̱̥̜͕͍̮͍̫̪̦̐̈́t̷̢̧̘̫̯̠̪̤̥̬͌̔͛̀̀̓̈́̃̈́̏͠͠ÿ̷̨̡̯͎̞͓̹̱̠̩̺̀̓̉̍̋̔̍̍͘͝, who was grumbling about n̵o̶t̷ ̶b̵e̶i̵n̴g̶ ̵a̴b̴l̵e̸ ̷t̶o̴ ̸w̷r̶i̸t̸e̸ ̴o̴u̶t̵ ̶h̶e̶r̵ ̸B̵o̷r̷d̷e̸r̶ ̸A̸u̶ ̸s̵t̷o̴r̶y̶ ̸w̴i̵t̸h̷o̷u̵t̴ ̶c̶r̸e̶a̵t̶i̶n̶g̵ ̷s̷e̵r̷i̸o̵u̵s̶ ̷b̸a̶c̶k̴s̶t̵o̸r̸i̶e̷s̷ ̵a̴n̵d̴ ̸s̴h̵e̵ ̴o̷n̸l̵y̸ ̶h̵a̵d̶ ̶a̷b̴o̵u̶t̷ ̵a̷ ̷m̸o̴n̷t̴h̷.̴
  Anyway, after Aizawa crawled out of his sleeping bag like a Metapod evolving into Butterfree, he sent them all down to the grounds for a Quirk Assessment Test. As per I̷̧͍̮̝͈̫͓͈̝͂͋̉͐̄͋̏̽͊̄͐̃̋̂̓͘̚͘͜ͅn̸̡̥̙͎͍̗͓͕̱̼̰̜̟̈́̀́̓̃̑͐̌̊̾̆̄̓̀̊̃͝ţ̸̨̞̪̳̺̠̭̗͌̊̇̍́̈̎͑̕ͅè̵͕̰̘̖̗̰̃̅̃̏̆̅̋̆̈́̄̕͝g̵̛̅̈́̿̋̾̀͌́̋͘̕͘͜͝͝r̶̳̻̺̠̦͓̣̗̲̗̖̺̩̐̊͛̐̀i̷̡̢̱̣̹̝̺̞̦͔͔̮̭̳̪̇͛̆͋̄̌́͠ṫ̴̢̙̙͙̘̱̥̺͓̆͆̑̾̊̋͊̔̍̿̾͝ŷ̷̨̙̪̖̳͓̫͚̠̙̝̯͚̻͓̑̍͊́̓̑͑͑̾͋̔̕̕͝͠'s information, if they went for the Entrance Ceremony by the principal, the damn rat would be talking about fur care for hours, nobody wanted that.
  Like 2 minutes later, they were standing on the grounds as Aizawa told them to take the fucking test.
  "This country still insists on prohibiting Quirks when calculating the averages of those records. It's not rational. The Department of Education is just procrastinating."
  He told Bakugo to throw the softball. With his Quirk. Oh, ok.
  That he did.
  But seriously, did he have to shout 'DIE' as he pitched the ball?
  Still. 705.2 meters. That was impressive.
  Then someone commented that being able to use their Quirks freely was gonna be fun. Nagisa facepalmed, that was exactly the wrong thing to say.
  And so Aizawa said that the one who came in last place would be expelled. Nagisa knew he wasn't kidding, he did that last year and Hitoshi still had the occasional nightmare about it.
  But how to use her Quirk in this test? Ah. She knew she should have filled up her Inventory with useful stuff. But now, it was too late, she could not use her Pokemon, so too bad. She'd just PERSEVERE and do her best.

  First off: The 50 Meter Dash.
    Nagisa remembered the time she chased a Rapidash and Arcanine using Extreme Speed. She gritted her teeth and tried to imagine the hind of an Arcanine running away from her as she stared out across the track.
  When the machine beeped, she pushed herself off one foot as hard as she could, and went zoom across the track.
  Record: 4.98 seconds. Marginally slower than Bakugo.

  Second Event: Grip Strength Test.
  Hey, she wrestled with the Pancham when she was younger, right? And they continued doing that even after Pancham evolved.
  Piece of cake, she hoped. She got around 78 kg. Well, she averaged 60 in Middle School, so it really wasn't a problem. At least she improved.
  But there was this one dude with multiple arms who got 540. Nagisa only knew that a Fighting type could do that too, probably a Machoke or Machamp.

  Third Event: Standing Long Jump.
  She'd once done rooftop-to-rooftop jumping in pursuit of Flying Type Pokemon before, and so she put this in practice.
  Uh, she got like 9/10ths across the sandpit. Oh well.

  Fourth Event: Repeated Side Steps.
  Oh. Well. Nagisa's sense of balance wasn't really the best. At least she only tripped on her way back.  But there was this guy with sticky balls for hair who used his Quirk pretty creatively and got a high mark.

  Final Event: Ball Throw.
  Well fuck this. Nagisa had wayyy too much experience throwing Pokeballs.
  Here we go!
  Oh my god. It flew out of the grounds boundary.
  "......1.2 km." Announced Aizawa. Nagisa wasn't sure where that burst of throwing energy came from.
  "I̸t̷ ̴w̸a̷s̸ ̶f̵r̸o̴m̵ ̴m̴e̸.̸ ̶C̸o̴n̷s̴i̷d̴e̸r̷ ̷i̷t̸ ̸a̸ ̵g̷i̴f̷t̷,̸ ̶m̶y̶ ̴b̷r̵u̵v̶v̴e̸r̸!̸ ̴:̸)̵" said I̵̻̻͊͊͛͝n̴̜̠̞͙͚̠͊̅͋͌͠t̴̡̢̨͕̥̻̥̲͕̙̤͇͖̦̀́̍͝ě̷̡̬̖͉͎͇̺̗̺͈̙̮͖̺̀͗͂̀̓͋g̵͇̮̒͛̾̐ŗ̸̲̙̠̣̺͈̱͎̮̭̌̿̒̊͊̄͜͜͝į̵̛͍̞͒̑̃̿̿͒̿͘͘͘͝t̶̢̛̖̮͚̻̠̬̄̆́̍̂̄̏̓̐̌̀͂͛y̸̢͙͉̖̿̒̂̓̓̓͠, breaking out her Singaporean accent.

  Meanwhile, Nagisa was being crowded by her classmates, whom she ignored, well up until Midoriya went up for the ball throw.
  What happened next was weird. Aizawa erased his Quirk, then said he couldn't be a hero with such a self-sacrificing Quirk.
  Then he stopped Erasure and broke out the eyedrops.
  Then Midoriya did his thing, threw the ball and only broke a finger. Ah well.
  He got 0.1m more than Bakugo, though Nagisa far out-threw everyone in the Ball Throw event.
  Afterwards, Midoriya went to Recovery Girl for his finger and Nagisa decided to go home.
  She saw Midoriya, Uraraka and Iida walking home, but she didn't join them, just stayed back as she waited for Hitoshi to come out.
  They spent the walk to the station bitching about Hitoshi not being in the Hero Course, Nagisa's weird classmates and not being able to use Pokémon.
  Welp. The real test would begin the next day. But for now, let's leave Nagisa curled up in bed with several Pokémon lying on top of her and let me, the Author, Integrity, explain what the heck was happening in this chapter.

  So you see,I decided to make an appearance in here! If you guys ever made OCs before, have you made a place in you imagination where all your OCs converge and they know they are simply figments of your imagination, possibly set in different AUs? I have several dead OCs myself, and for me, when they died they usually stay with me in the OC House, which is the 'converging place'.
  For me, I took a test on what Soul I would have in Undertale and I got Integrity. And so I name myself after my Soul trait.
  This is how I look like:

Or rather, how Integrity looks like

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Or rather, how Integrity looks like.
  I'm in my favourite striped shirt and blue shorts, with the brush, showing that I'm a Creator.
  Yeah. So, here's this new chapter. I'll try to make a new one over the June Holidays, so see ya!

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