Chapter 6: One More Friend

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Hello people I decided Nagisa should meet Tokoyami today! I mean, I decided a long time ago, when I was planning this story. Enjoy!

(cue background music) 

"I DON'T WANNA GO IT LOOKS SCARY!"Hitoshi yelped, as Nagisa began dragging him to the infamous Monster Forest across the grass field between the machine shop and the forest, on one of his fortnightly sleepovers.

"Then we're else are we gonna get you your Ralts?" Nagisa asked impatiently."You want a Gallade and a Gardevoir right?"

Indeed, Hitoshi was becoming quite a fan of Psychic typed Pokémon. He had also thrown a note at Nagisa during class the other day saying he wanted two Ralts, on female to evolve into Gardevoir and one male with a Dawn Stone to evolve into Gallade.

"Well, yeah...but dad told me about the people who went to the Forest and got eaten by the Pokémon there!" Hitoshi said a little fearfully.

"Dude, you forget my Quirk?" Nagisa deadpanned."Hello, I can control Monsters?"

"Oh, yeah." 

With that, the two 11-12 year- olds made their way into the Monster Forest.

" Hey Toshi," Nagisa said, as she absent-mindedly tossed a Pokeball back and forth as they walked through the forest's barely visible dirt tracks. "I know a legend about this forest."

"Please, nothing scary," Hitoshi grumbled."I've had enough of you dropping scary stories on my head,like that headless Charizard one."

"Nah, it's nothing scary. It's just, I heard Sojiro talk about how this forest was once called Viridian Forest, and the part of town me and him live in was also once called Viridian City. Don't know why they dropped the name though."


  Soon, the two reached the start of the deepest part of the Monster Forest.

  "Ready to go in, find a Ralts?" Nagisa asked Hitoshi. Because of something called plot convenience, they still hadn't found any Ralts yet. So Nagisa suggested going deeper, like way deeper, to find something.

  Suddenly, there was a rustling sound from the wild grass in front of them. Fwoosh! A Ralts had just popped out!

  Immediately, Nagisa readied a Pokeball and nudged Hitoshi, prompting him to do the same. was running away... 

  "OH NO YOU DON'T, LADDIE!" Nagisa yelled, giving chase. With a sigh, Hitoshi followed his now fired-up best friend after the Pokemon, deeper into the forest.


  The Ralts stopped outside a gigantic cavern, long enough for Nagisa to get within a few feet of it, before squeaking and diving deeper into the forest.Cursing, Nagisa attempted to follow it when Hitoshi caught up and grabbed her arm. 

  "Listen," he said, gesturing into the cave. As the exhilaration of chasing the Ralts wore off, bringing with it a wave of tiredness,Nagisa realised there was some sounds coming from inside the cave.

  "NO, stop trying to control me! I swear, once we get out I'll-YAAARRGGGHHH!"

  "I guess we better help whoever's in there out," Nagisa said, as another yell rang out from inside. This time, Hitoshi almost dragged her in.


  The duo ran into the cave, down a ways, right, right again, left and then they came across a biggish cave, in which the centre of was a............ ALRIGHT WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT GUY/THING?!(literally me when I first saw Toko lmao)

Not All Of Them Are "Monsters" Bnha x Pokemon (BEING REWRITTEN ON AO3)Where stories live. Discover now