Oh Shit We Got Found Out-part 2

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So here's part 2.

The next morning, Nagisa was standing outside the door of the apartment her best friend and his dads lived in, waiting for 10 o'clock, when she would knock on the door and see if she would get chucked into prison for having Pokemon.
Ah well. Might as well ring the doorbell, it's 9:59 anyways.
The doorbell was rung. 4 seconds later, it cracked open and Nagisa could see Hitoshi's face peeking out form the opening.
"Hey," she greeted.
"... Hey. You ready?" He asked. Even from her point of view from outside the door, she could tell Hitoshi was nervous. For her and her Pokemon.
"Yup. If the worst comes to worst, I'll battle my way out," she said with a look on her face that made it seem like she wasn't joking.(She was, but she was pretty scared so she kept a straight face)
"Ok then."
And so Nagisa entered the apartment.

Aizawa Shota and Yamada Hizashi were sitting at the dining table as Nagisa entered the apartment. The Pokeball hanging around her waist were not missed by his sharp eyes. But the way she had worn the Pokeballs were so conspicuous. Almost as if she wanted people to notice them....
Aizawa shook off the thought and turned to meet Nagisa's serious eyes that betrayed not a hint of emotion.
The silence was broken by Nagisa's question.
"What do you mean?" Yamada asked, slightly confused.
"So am I going to prison for having Pokemon? For being, oh I don't know, 'fraternising with Monsters'?" She replied, showing a little(a lot) of sarcasm.
  "Oh, no, that's not it. Actually, we talked it over last night and decided..." Aizawa looked over at Yamada. He took a piece of paper from the side of the table.
  "We decided that the best course of action, to monitor both you and your Monsters- sorry,  Pokemon, was for you to enter UA High. If you and your guardian agrees, we'll talk about putting you into the Hero Course, class 1-A, the class I am Homeroom Teacher of, via Teacher's Recommendation, with the principal of UA this coming weekend."Aizawa kinda recited.( Because the day is Sunday)
  "Excuse me?" He asked, confused.
  "No. I won't be a Pokemon killer." Nagisa hissed. It was evident how much she despised Heroes for their capturing, experimenting and killings of Pokemon.
  "But have you ever thought about how the system could change to accept Pokemon?" Yamada jumped in.
  Nagisa raised an eyebrow."Why do you ask? Not even the most optimistic of my non-Pokemon hating friends have ever thought about how the system could change."
  "You could try to change the system from the inside, if you were a hero. You could use Pokemon in your work and make everyone realise how Pokemon will benefit them. You could be the one to make Pokemon accepted by the public."
  Nagisa knew they were trying to get her to agree to go to UA, if only to keep an eye on her and her Pokémon. But the temptation to make people accept Pokemon......that was too great.
  " I accept, if only for Pokemon." She replied simply. If only she knew that those words would plunge her into a whole new world of chaos for the next few years.......

DONE WITH THE CHAPTER! Memer_lover stop bothering me about updating it I'm done! Anyway, I'm going to be referring to the MHA manga for this story because I'm not going to rewatch the entire anime all over again. And the manga is faster for me to read  than watching the anime. See ya guys!

Btw, I forgot to mention the pizza hut prank call. They all forgot about that. And there are 1.4 k reads I'm dying of happiness...

Not All Of Them Are "Monsters" Bnha x Pokemon (BEING REWRITTEN ON AO3)Where stories live. Discover now