Chapter 5: First Mission

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So the Pokémon Nagisa will be adding to her team is

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So the Pokémon Nagisa will be adding to her team is............A shiny Moltres! Read on, see how she gets it!

Nagisa and Hitoshi had slept over at each other's houses for the past few months now. Hitoshi was initially embarrassed about his pop's loudmouth behavior, but Nagisa assured him she was okay with it. He was worried though. Nagisa had often expressed several wishes of revenge against heroes for what they had done to Pokemon, so at first he was half,-scared she would lash out at his dads.  But up to now, she never did.

(timeskip 1 year) 

The MPG had completed Nagisa's basic rescue training for Pokemon Rescue Missions, also known as PRM. Now was her first mission,  a team mission with Silver and Emerald to rescue a Moltres captured by some government scientists. They had to rescue it before daybreak, before it would be experimented upon by the scientists. 

"Everyone ready?" Silver asked. Nagisa stifled a snort. 

"It's just me, you and Rald, Silver. The three of us,  and yeah,  I'm ready." she said, wiggling an Ultra Ball at him.

"Same here, Silver." Emerald agreed.

With that, the trio, all hooded and dressed in skin-tight protective jumpsuits, made their way to the lab's back door, which Silver picked.

Up some stairs, down some more, round a bend, down corridors. Silver and Green had already plotted the map of the lab building, so the trio made their way to the Moltres' containment chamber, which was marked out on the map with a glittery red star sticker that Silver claimed Green had pasted. But Nagisa knew Silver liked glittery stickers.

Soon they came to the entrance of the containment chamber. Behind the cast-iron door they could hear loud squawking and every so often, a rumble could be felt.

"Well, everyone good? " Silver asked, and the other two nodded assent.  Taking a deep breath, Silver picked the lock and they stepped inside the chamber.

Nagisa could now see another reason the scientists had wanted to capture the Moltres. It was a shiny. A/N: see pic above.

The other two went to work with the Moltres' chains while Nagisa approached it, activating her Quirk to talk to Moltres.

"I'm Nagisa. We're here to take you away from the lab."  She said. The Moltres hissed softly.

"And how do I know you won't hurt me like the other humans?" Moltres—a she said.

"Would other humans, or scientists, we call them, break into the lab at 11 at night to pick your chains and try to save you?" Nagisa reasoned.

The chains around Moltres' wings fell away as the other two finished picking the lock on them, the they started on the chains around Moltres' feet.She seemed the consider this.

"Alright, I will trust you to get me out of here. But I will fly away if I do not want to live with you all."  Moltres said finally.

"Then your new name is Cinder." Nagisa said.

Clank! Woofsh! The instant the chains fell away, Cinder entered Nagisa's Ultra Ball and stayed there. Smiling, she tucked the Ultra Ball away inside her inventory, before summoning a Gardevoir to Teleport them out of the lab.

"You really got a Moltres?!" Hitoshi said in awe."And you named her Cinder?!"

"I did. Now we gotta shut up or your dad will hear." Nagisa said. She was at a sleepover with Hitoshi, and was showing off her new Pokémon. By now, she had already given Toshi an Espurr, and he had caught 2 Eevee with it. And a Skitty, too.

 And a Skitty, too

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Yey finally got the stamina to post a chapter! I wanted to put some pictures but they wouldn't load, so I can't

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Yey finally got the stamina to post a chapter! I wanted to put some pictures but they wouldn't load, so I can't. Oh yeah, Nagisa's got a Moltres now! Totallydidn'tnameitCinderafterCinderpeltinWarriorswhatlol. And btw, who do you think Nagisa's gonna meet from the anime in the next chapter? From Bnha, not Pokemon. And totallynottryingtogetcommentsformystorybcifeedoncommentslolwhat. See you guys if I can post anything!


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