Chapter 4: Toshi's Parents

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I just realized: I need to put in a filler bc it's weird if one has a best friend and didn't go to their house and met the parents, right? So I'm putting in a filler chapter before doing the timeskip chapter. Please don't be mad you can not read this chapter and wait for me to write a new one, that's ok.

Hitoshi asked her one day,'Do you wanna meet my parents?'

Nagisa replied,'Sure! I can get Uncle to meet them.'

Toshi led her to the front of their grade school the next day, and they waited for Toshi's dad to come pick him up from school.

'One thing you gotta know about my parents, Nagisa, is that they're-'


A loud blonde tall man dressed in leather had just pulled up in front of the school in a pretty shiny bright red sports car, window rolled down and the said man yelling at the top of his lungs. Nagisa grimaced, since she had quite a dislike for pro heroes, owing to the fact heroes always killed or captured Mons. Actually, they just killed.

'So, you were saying, Toshi? That your dad is a hero? Who's your other one?'

Toshi sweatdropped. 'Yeah, that's my dad, Present Mic. My dads are gay, and the other's Pro Hero Eraserhead. They adopted me a couple years ago. Hey, Pops!' he yelped, pulling Nagisa by the hand with him as he ran down the path to the road, to his dad's car.

'This is Nagisa, we're best friends!' he introduced. 

Nagisa nodded her head. 'Pleased to meet you, Hitoshi's dad. My full name's Nagisa Fukorine, me and Hitoshi-kun are the same age.'

Nagisa braced her ears for more yelling, but apparently Mic could speak at a normal volume.

'Hey, little listener! Yeah, you can call me Mr Yamada, you got a ride home?'

Nagisa wondered how a man like this could be the normally serious Hitoshi's dad. Or Pops.

'Yeah, my uncle's coming over now. See ya Toshi! Your pops is weird, I'll see if uncle says if they can meet!' 

And she took off running. Hitoshi, used to his friend's sudden departures, climbed into the back seat of the car, waving to Nagisa goodbye through the window as she ran into her uncle's arms.

'So, what did she mean, I'm weird?' asked Hizashi Yamada, as he drove away from the school.

'Nagisa' got a set list of people who are weird in her head. She thinks you're weird, I guess.' Hitoshi answered.

That was the first time Nagisa saw one of her best friend's parents. But it definitely wouldn't be the last. Owing to the amount of sleepovers they would have, she would eventually meet Eraserhead, Toshi's other dad.

Okay that's a wrap! Thanks for reading this, if you are. Next chapter, if I can post it, will be about a new team member, and a new friend from the main series anime on the one after next. Posting times will still be irregular, just bear with it. And last I checked, already 30 readers! Thanks so much, hope you'll still stick with this story!


PS: who do you think is the new team member and friend? 

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