Chapter 8 part 2

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I am sucky at writing detailed Pokemon battles. Especially when one side is not using Pokemon. With this warning out of the way, enjoy this story. Oh, and there's a bit of backstory over here before the actual battling bit. For Aizawa.

Hitoshi had charged his dad that night in the park while Nagisa dealt with Zoroark........

(S.Aizawa, 3rd Person PoV)
  When Shouta had gone on his first Monster-catching mission 10 years ago, it was the reason all his Catching Missions up till now we're failures.
  In his eyes, at least.
  He'd been sent to catch this weird giant bat thing with 4 wings, an odd purple colour, and GIANT CREEPY TEETH. To him, it looked like a vampire bat blown up with a perpetually grumpy expression.
  He had encountered it in a park similar to this one, at dusk, 10 years ago. He had heard of other heroes taking down Monsters with ease before, sonhe thought it might be a cinch. That was when he was younger and more foolish.
  Nothing could prepare him for how FREAKING HUGE that thing was.
  Shouta had assumed it would be pretty much the size of a normal bat, but that thing had to be at more than 5 feet tall!
  It had hit him with a flurry of weird visible ring-shaped sound waves that made his head go dizzy. And he had been KO'ed in one hit. Without catching the Monster.
  From then on, every Monster Catching Missions he had from then on were mostly failures. The one time he caught a Monster using a government-issued Monster Ball, the little fox-like thing was giving him such sad puppy eyes he got distracted, and it managed to run away.
  Now, he had been tasked to catch this humanoid , bipedal gray-and-red fox thing. Not an easy task, he knew. And also, he still couldn't figure out why he kept getting sent on Monster Catching Missions.
  It might be easier to catch this Monster, he thought, if 2 stupid cloak-wearing people weren't in his way and one was attacking him with another Monster.

(Hitoshi PoV, 1st Person)
  The moment I saw Dad, I knew I  couldn't let him any closer to the Zoroark.
  "Go, Gallade!" I hissed, throwing his Pokeball. It would pain me to attack him, he was my father after all. But I knew from Nagisa what was done to captured Pokemon. Torture, disfiguration....... I couldn't allow that to happen to such an awesome Pokemon. Now, saving Zoroark was more important than my dad.(oof harsh screw you editor why you hate Dadzawa)
  "Gallade, use Shadow Ball!" I cried. Gallade drew his arms close to his body, and (though no one could see this very clearly because it was night time.) collected dark energy into a sphere crackling with dark lightning, before pushing it out towards Dad.

(Couldn't find one of a Gallade so here's Gardevoir)  Dad went flying halfway across the park with and 'OOMPH' sound escaping his lips

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(Couldn't find one of a Gallade so here's Gardevoir)
  Dad went flying halfway across the park with and 'OOMPH' sound escaping his lips. Ah toot.Both him and Pops aren't going to be very happy with his injuries. I should have asked Gallade to hold back. Ah well. Nothing I can do now.(Editor wtf?)
  Quickly, I ordered Gallade to advance on Dad. "Use a mild High Jump Kick!" I called. One swift blow near knocked him out. I then turned around just in time to see Nagisa capture the Zoroark.


  (Nagisa,3rd Person PoV)
  While Hitoshi was dealing with his dad, Nagisa was facing the Zoroark.
  "Alright, so a Dark type.....Go, Florges!"
  The same orange-ringed Florges from years before burst from her pokeball and stood in front of the Zoroark,  staring up at it with a defiant look on her face.
  "Florges, use Moonblast!" Nagisa called quietly.
  The Garden Pokemon formed a small pink ball of energy from the moonlight, before blasting it forth at Zoroark. And what are the chances, it landed a crit.
  The Zoroark roared with pain before throwing a Shadow Ball at Florges. It made contact, and took off some HP.
  "Don't worry about that one!" Nagisa pulled out a Super Potion and used it on Florges, making the HP become full again.
  "Now, Moonblast again!" Nagisa cried.
  The attack took off just enough HP that it entered the red zone, which gave Nagisa the perfect chance to-
  "GO POKEBALL!" She yelled, yeeting it at Zoroark. It went in, and the ball snapped shut, falling on the grass. It shook, once, twice, three times....It was caught!
  Nagisa ran forward to scoop the Pokeball up, before turning to where Hitoshi was battling Eraserhead with his Gallade.
  "We need to go, H!" She called.
  Hitoshi turned around, nodded and recalled Gallade back to his Pokeball from where he was being tied up by Eraserhead's capture weapon, before sending out his Gardevoir and having it use Teleport on the both of them back to the machine shop. But in that instant, their hoods slipped, and Nagisa feared he had seen their faces. But it was too late.
  The moment the two got back to the machine shop, Nagisa passed the ball to her uncle, who was waiting for them. Then they went to crash in her room.
  Next morning, they prank called Hitoshi's dads.
  Nagisa wearing a fake mustache: "hello is this Pizza Hut?"
  Aizawa:" No. Fuck off."
  N:"I'd like to order a Hawaiian with extra pineapple."
  A:" I already said this isn't Pizza Hut."
N: "Thanks and goodbye!"
Cue the giggling.

  HELLO PEOPLE. Look at me, I actually made a 2-part chapter before the New Year! So I'm not sure when I'll be making the next chapter, but hopefully before February ends. Next up, The Secret of Nagisa and her Pokémon are coming out, and how she gets a place in UA! Also, I've started watching Kingdom Hearts walkthroughs from the first game, and I'm watching the second game (final mix). See ya!
Edit: I left out slot of stuff me and my editor (my sis) had originally planned. She gave me Hitoshi's PoV to add in. So I did. The chapter is edited (a lot) now and I have a lot more words than before :).
  And here's my editor's account # Memer_Lover


Not All Of Them Are "Monsters" Bnha x Pokemon (BEING REWRITTEN ON AO3)Where stories live. Discover now