Chapter 9 : Meeting UA and It's Principal

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Surprisingly enough, Sojiro agreed to let Nagisa go to UA. He, who had introduced her to the MPG, also wanted the Pokemon-hating system to change. And so Nagisa was set up for an interview with the principal of UA high.
  The last few weeks of school were still ongoing though, so the interview was scheduled for the next Saturday.
  On Monday, the teacher, Mr Zaro, gave the class school application forms, while saying," The high school you choose had one of the biggest impacts on your life! Normally I'd give you all a list of schools based on your interests, but I have a guess that you all will want to be Heroes!"
  There were a few whispers amongst the loud cheering of the class, whispers of how Shinso Hitoshi, the one with the ' villainous' Quirk,also wanted to be a hero. Then some guy who's name Nagisa didn't remember said something about how "Fukorine, who's Quirk we still don't know about, is the only one who didn't want to be a hero". Then was a cry of,'"Maybe she's Quirkless!"
  Ignoring everyone but Hitoshi, who was also her desk buddy, she wrote down 'UA General Education Course' on the piece of paper. Hitoshi, who knew everything that was going on, nudged her. Nagisa groaned and crossed it out, writing down 'Hero Course' in its place. Hitoshi gave a noise of approval and wrote down 'UA Hero Course' on his paper as well.
  Well, he does want to be a hero after all. To prove that his Quirk isn't unsuited to a hero, to make his dads proud and, which I'm most proud of, because he wants to help people. Nagisa thought. Then she noticed a spitball being thrown in her and Hitoshi's general direction and pulled him down to dodge it. The teacher either didn't notice, or care.

  Saturday came. Nagisa readied a small bag filled with general supplies (Pokemon in Pokeballs) and took the train to the vicinity around UA. She met Aizawa at the bottom of the hill, and without so much more than a grunt, he led her up the hill to the school.
The hill was kind of high. Yet Nagisa seemed not the least bit winded from the trek up the hill. All the missions with the MPG paid off.
  Fucking dragged her to the principal's office, and made no move to open the large metal door. He just stood outside, gesturing for her to go inside herself.
  No teacher 'helping' me huh? Nagisa thought. She first knocked on the door because manners, and a voice came out from behind the door.
  "Come in!"
  Nagisa opened the door, and wasn't sure what exactly she was supposed to be seeing.
  (Excuse me if I describe the Principal's office wrong, I didn't see it in the anime.)
  There was a nice wooden desk in the centre, some couches and a coffee table to the side, a fireplace at the back of the room, and a framed picture the size of a Gengar on the wall above the fireplace. Of an upright mouse in a white tux.
  Said mouse gave a quiet cough from the chair behind the nice desk. Looked a little like a Pokemon except Nagisa had never seen a Pokemon like him before.
  "Nice to meet you, Fukorine-san, I presume. Am I a mouse, a dog or a bear? I do not know myself. But I am the Principal of UA High!" He said in quite a normal tone, not as squeaky as one would expect. He stood on his desk to extend a furry paw to shake Nagisa's hand.
  "Pleasure to meet you too, Nezu-san. Or sensei, depending on whether I choose to actually go to this school or not," Nagisa replied coolly, still holding on to the seesaw of do or don't.
  "Ah, yes. That is the question," he replied quite jovially. He took a seat behind the nice wooden desk, gesturing for Nagisa to sit in the visitor's chair. So she did, fingering the outlines of the Pokeballs in her bag.
  "While I am not a Pokemon myself, I understand the hardships they go through, having been captured and experimented on by human scientists myself. I am fully supportive of the work put in to save them." He explained, surprising Nagisa with his use of the long-forgotten term for Pokemon.
  "But now for the next part. Should you agree to attend UA, we will be putting you in the Hero Course, in class 1-A, because that is the class Aizawa-sensei is the homeroom teacher of. This is largely to make sure-"
  " I won't go evil because I have Pokemon with me. Please go on, Nezu-san." Nagisa finished.
  Next looked as amused as a rat could look like.
  "Good that you understand that. But however, as I'm sure Aizawa has told you, you could try to change the public perception of Pokemon from the inside, by being a hero."
  "But say I'm in UA. I'll have to hide all my Pokemon, and not use my Quirk, right?" Nagisa was getting used to the feeling that she might go to UA, but she wanted to let loose some of her Pokémon, if possible.
  "That's correct. The sudden appearance of 'Dangerous Monsters' in a school known for producing Heroes would cause quite an uproar, and I fear that some of your potential classmates would try to attack them. So unless it is absolutely necessary, I'd like you not to use your Quirk as much as possible. Or the Pokemon-related side of it, at least. The staff shall all be informed of your Quirk's specifics."
  "I understand. I will attend UA High." Nagisa said simply. So they'll train me to be a hero with my Quirk by telling me not to use my Quirk. Nice and ironic. I like this.
  "That's good. Now, to let you get a feel of the school, and be more familiar with your future teachers and classmates, I'd like you to be part of the Practical Exam for the Hero Course, which of course you won't be taking, because you have come by Teacher's Recommendation." Nezu said cheerfully.
  "Say what now?" Nagisa asked, a bit confused and shooketh.
  "I'd like you to be the final part of the exam by releasing low-level Pokemon on the examinees at the end part of the exam. See how they deal with ' Wild Monsters.'"
  "Are you being sadistic or do you really want to test them?" Nagisa deadpanned.
  "A little bit of both, Fukorine-san. Before that, though, you should also help Present Mic with the orientation. Guide students to their correct auditoriums and everything. I believe he still doesn't know how to work the projector. Is that alright with you? You can choose between setting Pokemon in the exam, or helping around orientation, or both." Nezu took a sip from the cup of tea that had magically appeared in his paw. Or had he been brewing it while talking? It  was a mystery.
  " I will do both," Nagisa agreed, sadistically cheerful.
  " Is that settled, then? Good." Nezu stood up on his table again to shake Nagisa's hand." I will see you at the entrance exam in a little more than a week's time. Please be well."
  " You too, Nezu-sensei." Nagisa couldn't stop a small smile breaking out on her normally serious face.

  Nagisa left UA with a happy grin on her face. But when she reached the machine shop, it disappeared. There was a customer, and she didn't like to smile around customers.
  Oh. It was Mic, Toshi's dad, so that was okay.
  But his car was super clogged up with dust, so it wasn't okay.

ANOTHER CHAPTER OUT. WITHIN what, 5 DAYS?! Weird but I got very excited to write so here it is. I'm waiting for my CCA to start, so I did this.
Idk what to say anymore so bye.

Not All Of Them Are "Monsters" Bnha x Pokemon (BEING REWRITTEN ON AO3)Where stories live. Discover now