Chapter 16: The Sports Festival And Threats It Posed: In This Essay I Will-

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   And so thus began the new horror of horrors: The Tournament Arc

Or, so it was called, the Sports Festival.

As Class A stepped out into the bright bright sun, to a roaring crowd who only focused on the Hero Course and not the others (Which kind of put the Support Course at a disadvantage, due to less exposure), as Midnight stepped up to announce the start of the Sports Festival.

She was dressed a little.... Inappropriately. Skin-tight suit? That tears easily and could cost thousands to fix?|
That was rather inefficient. (Knights of Favonius, always so-)

Well, that didn't matter now, because the top student in the Hero Course Entrance Exam(practical) was to come up on stage and swear the athlete's oath.

Except, wasn't the top student.......

Bakugo fucking Katsuki. The same one who made the rest of the classes turn on theirs. There was a 10% chance he'd actually swear the athletes' oath, and a 90% chance that he'd turn around and say something that made the rest of the classes hate their class more.

Well, he did. Said he was gonna take first place, and all else were but stepping stones on his path.

Good job, you absolute nutter.

As the rest of her class groaned as Bakugo defiled the class name even further in the eyes of the other students, Nagisa craned her neck to look around for Hitoshi, who was staring doggedly at Bakugo, with a decidedly murderous expression in his eyes.

Nagisa chuckled. Welp, guess I'm in danger.

Making a mental note to splurge on that cat cafe Hitoshi liked afterwards, Nagisa joined the crush of students congregating at the doorway to the first part of the Sports Festival: A run around the track, no doubt filled with obstacles.

It seemed the first obstacle was the doorway after all, because it was too damn small for like a few hundred teenagers

Rolling her eyes at Hitoshi, who had brainwashed a few people into carrying him over the crowd, Nagisa hefted herself onto the heads of other students, about to parkour above their heads, but-

Todoroki fucking Shoto fucking froze the fucking floor, trapping most of the others to the ground. Midoriya, Ojiro and Bakugo and her other classmates broke free, but oof, rip to the others.

Espying Hitoshi still being carried by the other students, Nagisa, with great difficulty (when was the last time she had exerted this much effort into parkour?), swung herself up, and landed right on Hitoshi's back, making him stumble but not fall. Good, because if he had fallen she would have gone down with him.

"What the hell, bro?" Hitoshi exclaimed, as Nagisa clung onto his back like an oversized-but-still-shorter Aipom.

"I hitch a ride now, we go catch you another Meowstic later, plus that cat cafe you like. Deal?"

".......Fine, you nutcase," He grumbled, shifting so his friend was clinging onto his shoulders and not digging her knees into his fucking kidneys.

"........ Did I just call you a nutcase."


"Your brand of insults have been rubbing off on me too much."


As gargantuan robots from the Entrance Exam appeared as OTHER OBSTACLES, so-named Robo Inferno, Nagisa sent out a not-so inconspicuous Pokemon to deal with 'em.

"Let's go, Eric!"

The majestically-flamed horse burst forth in a shower of flames, galloping along Hitoshi and Nagisa. The other students around them all reeled back in shock, as a monster appeared. Present Mic, however, did not comment on that. Oh yeah, she was supposed to save her Pokemon until the tournament round..... Oh well, she had more pressing matters at hand.

Not All Of Them Are "Monsters" Bnha x Pokemon (BEING REWRITTEN ON AO3)Where stories live. Discover now