Chapter 13: A break-in and USJ

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  Nagisa and Hitoshi were having a bad day.
  "Excuse me! Excuse me! Hey, yeah, you with the eyebags and the blue hair! Can you tell me what it's like having All Might as your teacher?" A female reporter shoved a mic into their faces.

  Nagisa pushed it away as she and the one she considered her brother shoved through the crowd of reporters by the front of UA, heading to where Hitoshi's dad was waiting by the very entrance of the gate.

  He gave a nod to them as they walked past, before splitting up and heading to different classrooms.

  Afterwards, in class, Aizawa told Bakugo to grow up, and for Midoriya to control his Quirk better.
  Then Aizawa said, "Sorry for the sudden announcement, but today...."
  Everyone, Nagisa included, feared, Is there another brutal pop quiz?
  "Today you'll pick a class president."
  Such a normal school activity!"

  Iida called it to a vote. Nagisa got her piece of paper and scrawled down Iida's name. He seemed to be able to control the class, as he told everyone that they should vote for a class president.
  In the end, Midoriya got 3 votes, Yaoyorozu got 2 votes and Iida got the one- Nagisa's.
  Welp. That meant Midoriya was Class President. Good fucking luck.

  Later, Nagisa joined Hitoshi for lunch, passing Iida who had no idea who had voted for him.

  Apparently there was a guy who's name was Amada Ken who had become Class President for Class C.(yes I'm reusing characters from other stories eyyyy)

  Suddenly, an alarm bell rang.
  "What the heck is that?" Nagisa asked as she stuffed more rice into her face.

  Suddenly, everyone started rushing, because apparently this was a level 3 emergency, an intruder on campus.
  Nagisa secured her Pokeballs and pulled her brother under the table along with her, watching as her lunch tray went flying off the table.

  "RIP," both students intoned.

  Suddenly, there was a shout, telling everyone to calm down.
  They peeked out, oh, it was Iida on a pipe looking like the Emergency Exit sign.
  He told the now-still cafeteria that the 'intruders' were just the press, and they, as students of UA, should not be panicking and rushing, be befitting of the school.

  Then he fell off the pipe he was on.
   ̶T̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶t̶i̶m̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶o̶u̶g̶h̶,̶ ̶H̶e̶l̶v̶e̶t̶i̶c̶a̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶h̶e̶r̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶c̶a̶t̶c̶h̶ ̶h̶i̶m̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶t̶e̶l̶e̶k̶i̶n̶e̶s̶i̶s̶.̶
  O̴̘̝͚̳̟̮̲͉̥͐͑͒̎͛͆ͅķ̷̨͙̖͓͔̠̞͎̖̗͎̯͐̊̃͛̍̏̾͋͑̚͠,̶̧͈͖̥̥͍̗̭̬̻̠͓̃̉̀̅̀͐͒̋͗̚ ̸̨͓̩̫͖͙͕͔̲̠̪̠̗̼̗̍̄̎͗͂o̸̜͇͉̞̟̩͔̹̻̙͖̥͔̓̋̇̌͐͋̑̌͒̒͛̌͗͒͜͝ķ̸̧̩͖̣̥̰̤̭͊.

  Afterwards, Midoriya gave up his position as class rep to Iida. Yaoyorozu was a bit disgruntled as she had more points than him, but she figured it was for the best.

  Afterwards (again),it was time for rescue training.

  Iida tried to make them board the bus they took a certain way, but it wasn't that type of bus.
  No, it was the kind of bus you could find in the public transport system in Singapore. Side-along seats at the front half, two-by-two seats at the back half, with a single row of front-facing seats at the very back.
  Too bad....... Thought Nagisa, taking a seat at the back, behind Bakugo and in front of Todoroki, whom she had fought during Basic Hero Training.

  Meanwhile, the guy who mistook Nagisa for a male called out Bakugo on his 'crap stewed in garbage' personality. Nagisa did enjoy a good roast, so she may have snickered a bit loudly, but it was totally worth it.

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