Chapter 3:The MPG

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It had been a week since Nagisa got her Eevee , which she named Rin. She started at the local elementary school, which she found out was also where Hitoshi went,much to her delight. Sojiro  had started teaching her how to do mechanics, ranging from fixing cars to handphones.

One day, Sojiro said,'Kid, it's time to show you where I really work,which isn't the mechanics shop.'

Nagisa was confused.'What do you mean?' She asked.

Sojiro helped her into the car and started driving into a slightly shiftier part of the neighbourhood. Along the way,he asked her,'Do you love Pokémon to the point you would hurt for them?'

Nagisa knew the answer easily. She had once strangled a militia member almost half to death to save a Ratatta when she was 8,so she replied,'Yeah,I would.I once strangled a member of the militia hard to save a Ratatta.'

Sojiro seemed a little shocked,but he asked,'What happened to the Ratatta?'

'Released it. I don't know what else happened to it.'

Sojiro nodded,and pulled up beside a tall grey building that looked like it had been through a cyclone.'Kid,do you know about the Monster Protection Group?' He asked.

Nagisa's eyes lit up.'Yeah, I heard about it on TV, it's the one group that wants Mons to be able to live peacefully with humans, the cops can't catch 'em!' She said enthusiastically.

Sojiro smiled.'what if I told you I did work for the MPG,and the mechanics shop was just a cover-up?'

Nagisa's mind had been clicking for the whole ride.'You're part of the group I support? That's awesome!' She said.

Sojiro chuckled.'You're smart. I brought you here to ask if you wanted to help free Mons from the authorities. I'm gonna take you to meet the rest of the Monster Trainers,see if they'll let you join up.Do you want to? You don't have to if you don't.'

Nagisa looked as though she would melt with happiness.'Yeah, I would like to join! I can use my Quirk to help rescue Mons,right?'she asked,starting to climb out of the car.

Sojiro helped her out of the car.'Right,and you'll get paid sometimes.' The two walked into the building together, Nagisa being 'super-excited'.

(Timeskip brought by a cute eevee)

So basically the MPG accepted Nagisa although they were initially reluctant,because she was only 10.I'm too lazy to type out the whole exchange,but she met other Monster Trainers,or Pokemon Trainers,who are from the manga volumes 1 to 54.

Name: Red
Quirk: Perfect.
Quirk Desc: Whatever he says and does will be perfect and can draw anyone's attention. 
Age: 18
Team: Swaps between Pokémon Adventures Manga and his team from HeartGold and SoulSilver.

Name: Blue
Quirk: Stat Analysis
Quirk Desc: He can see the stats of any living being. 
Age: 18
Team: Swaps between Pokémon Adventures Manga and the team he has in FireRed and LeafGreen.

Name: Green
Quirk: Thief
Quirk Desc: Any theft that she commits won't be noticed for 24 hours.
Age: 18
Team: Pokémon Adventures Manga team.

Name: Amarillo De Bosque Verde/Yellow
Quirk: N/A
Special Ability: The powers of the Viridian Forest. She can heal Pokémon and read their thoughts.
(Lowkey my favourite character)

And that's it for the Kanto Dexholders,including Yellow,my favorite. I'm going to put the rest of the Dexholders in the next chapter,but I don't know when I can post. Just saying Nagisa also gets her own Pokedex and will be helping to save Mons from Heroes and the police in the chapter after next. See if anyone read this. See ya guys.

Note: The ages here are set when Nagisa is 10. As in, Red is 18 when she is 10, and as she ages, so does everyone else. Also, in this, Blue is the guy and Green is the girl because I read the Pokemon Adventures Manga first.

Not All Of Them Are "Monsters" Bnha x Pokemon (BEING REWRITTEN ON AO3)Where stories live. Discover now