Chapter 2:Her New Pokemon

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Hitoshi was Nagisa's best friend forever.Nothing could keep the two apart.Every day the two met in the field with Joltik hanging around on her head,then they pitted their Quirks against each other, and soon Nagisa could break out of Brainwash if she concentrated super hard. She was the only one who could do this for the next few years, until a certain someone came.

A few days had passed since Nagisa arrived in Musutafu.(Heck I don't even know where shinso lives just bear with it)She  had taken to running around the edge of the Monster Forest,hoping to spot a new Pokemon. That day was no different, as Nagisa sprinted as fast as she could to and fro along the forest border,hoping to find something than a few Bug-types for once. Finally, a little creature about the size of a small dog came leaping out of the forest and started streaking along,hoping to reach the road that the mechanics shop faced.

But Joltik and Nagisa were faster.

"Kumo, use Thunder Wave!" Kumo the Joltik leapt from Nagisa's outstretched hand and sent forth a sparking wave of electricity,paralyzing the dog-like Pokemon. Nagisa ran forward and took a look, silently fangirling when she realised it was an Eevee. Suddenly,the Eevee shook off the paralysis and jumped up,hissing and turning to face Nagisa and Kumo. Suddenly, it darted forward and almost hit Kumo with a Tackle attack.

"Alright,Kumo use Absorb!" Nagisa yelled. The Eevee staggered after losing some HP and Nagisa saw her chance.She created a Pokeball in her hand and flung it. The red-and-white ball hit Eevee square in the head and Eevee was turned into a slightly glowing piece of red energy before being sucked into the open Pokeball. The ball snapped shut and it fell onto the grass,wobbling once...twice...Three times! Nagisa bent down and scooped up the ball,grinning,with Kumo balanced on her shoulder."Alright, we did it! I just got an Eevee!"

Ok so second chapter.Next one's gonna explain about the illegal group.Promise. Posting times will be very irregular and maybe I can post about 1-2 times a month. I'll try to post as often as I can,but in about a couple months I've got super important exams coming up so I don't think I can post till November or December from July onwards.Even then it'll be irregular. Sorry.


Not All Of Them Are "Monsters" Bnha x Pokemon (BEING REWRITTEN ON AO3)Where stories live. Discover now