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HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE! I, Queenofcrossovers01, am Singaporean through and through

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE! I, Queenofcrossovers01, am Singaporean through and through. I'd like to wish a Happy National Day to all Singaporean's on Wattpad. I'll post the next chapter soon, but because of National Day for Singapore, I'm doing this in my story. Any Singaporean readers, happy National Day to y'all! I know I sound like the government people, but we'll get through this COVID-19 situation together, and come out stronger! ( I shouldn't be saying this now, I'm only P6, got PSLE leh)


PS: eh you guys support PAP or WP I want to know my parents won't tell me who they voted for tho elections were a long  time ago. And also please hashtag happy National Day and stuff like that int he comments. Thanks.

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