Chapter 14: Explaining and A Surprise

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The next day, when Class A returned to school, Nagisa wasn't in her seat when the bell rang

Instead she was at the stand at the front of the class, shifting some papers in her hands.

As most of the class filed into the classroom when the bell rang, Nagisa caught some wary looks thrown at her, as well as some that were filled with contempt, from the more hero-worshipping ones.

"Should be expected. They did villainise Pokemon after all."

Iida tried to tell everyone to go back to their seats. But-

He was the only one standing. Nagisa didn't count, nuh-uh, no.

Literally 30 seconds later, it seemed like Aizawa wasn't going to show up, due to the massive injuries he sustained during the villain attack.

But yet he did.
That's our Dadzawa.

"Aizawa-sensei! Glad to see you're doing well!" Called Iida.

"If you call that doing well..." Muttered Uraraka. Aizawa was covered in bandages, looking a little like a mummy.

Aizawa sighed and gestured to Nagisa, prompting her to begin her speech.

"Hello, all. (Oh my Arceus why am I talking like Victor) I trust you all remember the Pokemon I brought to the USJ?"

Well, that got the class's attention.

"Yeah! I thought they were gonna attack us! And we'd all die!" Yelled Grape Guy- oh wait wasn't his name Mineta?

"They wouldn't attack you. Unless you provoked them first. It's simply common sense," Nagisa countered, irritated.

"I guess I have to tell you guys, I've been lying to you all. My Quirk is not Spacial Storage. It has been dubbed 'Pokemon Trainer', though I still haven't discovered the limits of it yet."

  "You may call them Monsters, but I call them Pokemon to honor their old name. Besides, humans were more monsters to them anyways.

  "If you remember the tales of old, before Quirks came to be, Pokemon and Humans lived peacefully together, coexisting together. Humans couldn't live without Pokemon, Pokemon became fond of humans. We battled alongside each other, traveled together, simply lived together.

  "But when Quirks appeared, the number of Trainers grew less and less, until most, if not all, died out."

  "With Quirks, these newfound superpowers, humans grew complacent. They started believing they were above Pokemon, as if that were ever true. They started believing they could survive on their own, without Pokemon, and started hunting them down."

  "I am the descendant of Kurt, the old great Pokeball smith, known for creating custom Pokeballs on the fly for special customers, out of nothing but Apricorns and his tools. The Pokeball factories of then-Kalos could never compare to his hand-made Pokeballs.

  "Guess it's no surprise that I can create different kinds of Pokeballs, huh..."

   *Insert detailed explanation of Nagisa's Quirk that can be found on the Description page

    "I know how Hero Society has painted Pokemon as unhuman villains, but I remember the tales of events that happened long ago. Of Trainers and their Pokemon."
 "I know you guys are suspicious of me, because you all were raised to hate Pokemon. I don't expect you all to suddenly accept me and my Pokemon and treat us like best buddies. I'm telling you the truth because I don't want to be called a Villain for being with the ones I call family. Yes, I am selfish, but I can't change that. I joined the Hero Course to advocate for Pokemon, and I'll be here this whole time. You cannot get rid of me or my determination to help Pokemon in today's society."

Not All Of Them Are "Monsters" Bnha x Pokemon (BEING REWRITTEN ON AO3)Where stories live. Discover now