Chapter 15: Well, Here We Go!

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  That day, after school.....

No one could get out of the classroom. Why? Because for some reason, the students from a few other classes had swarmed the outside of the classroom door, effectively barricading them in.

Nagisa was about to punch somebody. Really hard.

Bakugo claimed that they were scoping out the competition for the Sports Festival, because they were, obviously, the students who survived a villain attack.

Then he called them cannon fodder, effectively crushing any and all respect the other classes had for them, as well as heightening the sense of rivalry and competition they had.

Thanks a lot, you big jerk.

But suddenly, a really familiar voice came from around the back of the crowd of students.

"It's true, we came to get a look, but you guys sure are modest."

Now Nagisa really regretted stealing the last slice of cheese pizza.

"Are all the kids in the hero course like this one? Gotta say, I'm a little disillusioned if this is what you're offering."

It was Hitoshi. COme to think about it, they hadn't really been spending time together outside of being battle buddies, ever since Nagisa got into the Hero Course.

So was it her fault he was currently being super salty to her classmates, orrrr?

Then Hitoshi dropped the bombshell the both of them knew: Depending on the results of the Sports Festival, one member of the Hero Course might be transferred out and one member of Gen Ed may be transferred in to the Hero Course.

Then Hitoshi said something so typical of him when he was in an angry mood and Nagisa had to fetch him Skitty:

"Consider this a declaration of war."

BAM. Nagisa's head slammed into the classroom wall with the force of a Thunderhelm Lawachurl killing the author's Genshin team. Unsurprisingly, it started bleeding.

"OH MY GOD FUKORINE ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" Shrieked Mina, pulling Yaoyorozu their way and making her create a first-aid kit.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just need a bit of gauze and a bandage, it'll be ok." Nagisa grumbled, as another student from Class B came and yelled at Class A over their 'arrogance'. Said they would make fools of the hero course, too.

Well, Nagisa might, but she wasn't really sure about the rest of her classmates...

Well, Bakugo turned and left. After his jerk-ass statement was what instigated the whole increased competition with the other courses. Kirishima called him out for that, of course (best boy aside from Midoriya, Fight me.), but his answer only further confirmed Nagisa's theory that Bakugo was a very egotistical insensitive asshole.

Afterwards, the whole class gave their all into training for the Sports Festival. For the next two weeks, Nagisa grinded her Pokemon and attempted to train with Chuck, who was as much muscle as his ancestor the gym leader of Cianwood Gym was. Keyword: Attempted. Nagisa didn't really have arm muscle, so she focused on leg power :sparkle: and running.

And taking proper breaks, of course, what was she, a neanderthal?

Her Pokemon trained hard too. From her Empoleon using Steel Wing and then Hydro Pump in quick succession, to her Pachirisu using Sweet Kiss then bitch-slapping with Thundershock, they did their best to become Smogon-tier fighters.

(Timeskip because I can't figure what else)

Then it was time for the Sports Festival.

Pro heroes were patrolling the perimeter of the school, making sure Villains couldn't make their way in. News reporters were hanging outside, waiting for the security check.

And meanwhile, Class A was in the prep room, getting ready.

It was a tight squish between Kirishima - Eijiro, he said to call him - and Mina, but Nagisa managed to fumble together her Pokeballs and attach them to her belt, which, of course, was a fully approved support item so could everyone stop staring at it-.

It was at that moment that Todoroki, the strongest guy in the class, decided it would be a good idea to challenge Midoriya. Said that objectively, he was stronger and would beat him.

Well, a healthy rivalry is good, but after what happened with the other classes.......

Yeah this was fine. Hopefully.

Eijiro asked why he'd want to pick a fight right before they were to go out to the stadium, and Todoroki said he wasn't there to make friends. Bullshit. Take one look at Midoriya and see if he wouldn't be able to bring the whole class together.

Midoriya responded that he'd go for it all too, with everything he had. That's the spirit!

Then it was time to go on. Well, all the best and hopefully we won't be crushed!

"Raymond get back here- NOT YOU TOO LETRA-"

  All right, early chapter. I'll try to get the next part somewhere around the end of the month.

Raymond is a Pikachu, and Letra is a shiny Shinx.

Not All Of Them Are "Monsters" Bnha x Pokemon (BEING REWRITTEN ON AO3)Where stories live. Discover now