11. Over the Moon

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AUTHORS NOTE: sorry this chapter is so short! I promise next one will be a good one to make up for it ;)


You wake up the next morning, still in the boys dorm

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You wake up the next morning, still in the boys dorm. All the boys are in their beds. Harry, Dean, Seamus, Neville, and of course, Ron still lays asleep next to you.

The window is open, so you feel a nice breeze and the morning sun is shining on his face.

"Wow. He looks so beautiful." You think to yourself, "I just want him to be mine." 

He groans as he tosses and turns in his bed, before slightly opening his eyes.

As soon as he sees you laying next to him, he sits up and kisses you on the cheek. "Good morning darling."

"Morning." You give him a slight smile, rubbing your eyes.

You look around the dorm, the rest of the boys are still asleep.

"What are we gonna do today?" He asks you, pushing the hair out of your eyes.

"Well," you sit up, "we do have school....and maybe we can find something to do afterwards..." you say with a cheeky smile.

He gives you a cheeky smile back "Oh, like what?"

"Maybe we could... do something similar to what we did yesterday..." you whispered into his ear.

"Well, why don't we start now?" He grabbed your face, started kissing you, and quickly pulled the blanket over your heads, but before it could go any further, Harry awoke and shouted, "Oh for merlin's sake, get a room!"

Ron gave Harry an offended stare. "Piss off."

All of the boys were woken up by this, all immediately staring at the two of you. You both jumped out of his bed, you wearing only his T-shirt and he was wearing only his plaid pajama pants.

"OI! Nice one mate!" Seamus shouted to Ron, quietly applauding.

Neville turned red and quickly covered his eyes with the covers.

Dean laughed, "You and Y/N?"

Harry sat there in silence.

"Oh shut up!" Ron slight raised his voice, his face turning pink.  

You gave him a kiss on the cheek. "alright, I'm heading out."

"See you later, beautiful. Breakfast?" He kissed you back and you nodded as you picked up your uniform and ran out the door.


You ran back to the girls dorm, to see Hermione already awake, everyone else still asleep.

She crossed her arms. "Y/N? Where were you? I went all over looking for you!"

You sat down on the bed, putting down your uniform next to you.

Her jaw dropped. "and...is that...Ron's favorite T-shirt?"

"Surprise!" You giggled.

"Y/N! Tell me you did not-"


"Never mind that! I don't want to hear it!"

You laughed as you got a clean uniform, your robe, and left the dorm to take a shower.


After your shower, you quickly got ready for the day, heading to the great hall to get some breakfast.

There's an open seat in between Ron and Hermione, so you take it.

"Glad you're here. I was saving this seat for you." He kissed you on the cheek and wrapped his arm around your shoulder.

Luna, who is sitting on the other side of Hermione, turns to Ron. "Y/N! You and Ron? I didn't think he would be able to convince you to go out with him!"

You laugh while he gives Luna a glare.

The twins sit across from you, giving Ron high-fives and telling you how much they ship the two of you together.

Next to the twins is Neville, he is just minding his own business, eating a bagel, and occasionally saying something about the school work for today.

Next to Ron is Harry. He basically is just happy that you and Ron are no longer avoiding each other, having to hear all of Ron's complaints about how badly he fancies you.

Next to Harry is Ginny, and she is definitely the one hyping you up.

And then there is you and Ron, over the moon to finally be in each other's arms.


Luckily, you and Ron have both DADA and potions together. DADA was your first class of the day, so the two of you walked there together, hand-in-hand.

You sat down next to him and he put his books down. Snape walks in, looking even more distressed than usual.

"Class, I am not in the frame of mind for any sorts of mishap today." He was staring directly at you and Ron.

You and Ron looked at each other and giggled.

As the class went on, you were getting very bored until you were partnered with Ron for a project. You both were very ecstatic with that decision.

Snape left the class to start working on said project, when he came over to the two of you, doing nothing but fooling around.

"Enough!" Professor Snape raised his voice, slapping you both over the head with his book. "You both have been acting very unpleasant recently. 5 points from Gryffindor."

Even though you've just gotten into trouble, after he walks away, the two of you look at each other and try not to laugh.

The remainder of the class, he lets everyone work on the projects, but his eyes keep wandering over to you and Ron. Whenever you would get off topic for even a second, he would walk over and remind you to get back on track, usually by saying, "Miss. Y/L/N, Mr. Weasley, do we have a problem? You two have been very misbehaved during this class."


Right before class ends, Ron reaches under your skirt, squeezing your upper-thigh. You look over at him and he's giving you a mischievous smirk.

you look around the room, making sure nobody is watching the two of you.

He leans over and whispers, "After this class we have a free hour. What do you say?"

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