1. This Isn't Really Goodbye, You Know.

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It's your first day back to Hogwarts since summer began. It's your 6th year back. You pack your trunk and your brown owl into your muggle parents small black car as you wonder how things would be different if you weren't a slytherin. You've always loved being a slytherin, so you don't know where these thoughts were coming from. You've changed since first year. You've changed since summer began. This thought had been lingering in your mind the entire summer. You don't know what has come over you.

"You ready to go?" Your mother asks, interrupting your thought.

"Just about. Just let me get something from my room." You reply.

You go back into your house and into your cozy bedroom, and gaze upon the space where you made so many memories this summer. Walking over to your dresser, you pick up your gold necklace with a star that reads "look up, you'll see the stars" that your father gave to you for Christmas last year. You then take a glance at all of your picture frames sitting on your wooden dresser, making sure not to skip over one before you leave for the year. You pick up a small frame of you and your parents, looking back at the moment the photograph was taken. You slip the small tiny photo into your pocket and say one last goodbye to your room for the year.


You arrive at King's Cross station, admiring every single detail. You have deja vu from the past 5 years you've come here to board the Hogwarts express.

"I guess this is goodbye now."  You tell your parents before opening the trunk to the car

"This isn't really goodbye, you know." Your mother says back to you. You can see she is getting teary eyed. You roll your eyes as she seems to do this every year.

"Of course. We'll be in this same spot when summer begins to pick you up." Your father adds in, which seems to comfort your mother a little bit.

Picking up your trunk and owl, you hug your parents goodbye and find your way to platform 9 3/4.

In the station, you run into the platform to see many familiar faces, along with many new ones. There are so many students at Hogwarts, it's truly impossible to know everyone. You board the train, finding somewhere to sit. In the distance, you see a familiar blonde boy sitting in a train compartment to your left. you approach him and his friends, already dreading having to deal with him for another year.

"hey Draco! How was your summer?" you ask him with a friendly smile.

"Better than yours, Y/L/N. I could've spent my summer locked away in Azkaban and it still would've topped yours." He replied with a dirty look on his face.

You don't know why you consider him to be a friend. You sit down next to the girl across from him, Pansy.

Out of the corner of your eye, you see her roll her eyes at your presence.

The two boys sitting next to him, Crabbe and Goyle, give each other a suspicious look. The look prompted that they are up to something.

For the rest of the train ride, you sat there thinking about how they are all so different than you. They sat in the corridor, gossiping about the other students of Hogwarts, while u sat there pretending to not hear anything. You overhead Draco call someone you knew last year a "mudblood".

Your blood boiled as you tried to remain calm, you could feel your face get red as you thought about how deep down you are a "mudblood". You had to conceal it from your classmates these past couple of years and you were getting tired of it.

Ashamed of who you are and what you just heard, that's when you knew something was going to change this year.

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