21. Potions, Forests, and Forever

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SO sorry for not updating in so long! sorry this chapter is so long and kind of uneventful, but i promise the next one will be better

A few weeks had past, and the school year was coming to an end. The Chudley Cannons game was just a few days time, and you couldn't be more excited for it. Not more excited than Ron though.

You were in potions class, finishing up a end-of-year project. You and Ron were partnered together to create a new potion, that could quickly cook a hard boiled egg. The group who had the best results, without blowing something up, would get the highest mark. (Even though it wasn't completely safe)

As expected, Ron came up with the genius idea to combine all the ingredients he could get his hands on, without a second thought.

"I mean, it may not be edible, but it sure may be warm enough to cook an egg." Ron scoffed as he threw Dragon hair into a boiling cauldron.

You and Ron placed bets on who would get the highest mark. Of course it was obvious it would be Harry and Ginny, since Harry did have the half-blood prince's potion book. However, Ron bet that Hermione and Luna would get the mark. The only other group in the class was Dean and Seamus, which was a lost cause- for obvious reasons.

The class continued on for a little while, with Snape making his rounds to each pair of partners.

When he got to your cauldron, he dropped an egg in and it started to sizzle when you warned him, "Excuse me, Professor Snape?"

"What do you want Y/N?"

"I advise you not to take the egg out with your bare hands." You said, handing him a wooden spoon. "And, don't eat it."

"So even you admit that this potion of yours is noxious?" Snape rolled his eyes but he still grabbed the spoon from you.

After a few minutes had passed, he scooped up the egg from the cauldron and placed it on a egg cup. Although it came out a bring pink color, you were still pretty confident.

"Well?..." Ron asked the teacher, his face growing with anticipation.

Snape broke the egg open to reveal a perfectly hard boiled egg.

"It's passably satisfactory."

Without another word being spoken, he turned to the next table.

Ron rolled his eyes and mouthed some not-so-nice words at Snape when his back was turned, you couldn't help but chuckle.

"Ron, this was a hard assignment. At least we were 'passably satisfactory'. That has to rank high to Snape's book.", You had to remind Ron

"You're right. We did good. I'm proud of us. No matter what mark Snape decides to give us."

After Snape had gone to every table, he stood in front of the whole class, reviewing every groups outcome.

"Hermione, Luna, yours was fairly well. You have passed your fifth year potions class."

"Dean, Seamus, yours exploded into my face. I'm not sure how you expect me to let you pass now, but considering you were good students the rest of the year, you're just making the cut. But boys, don't make me regret my decision."

"Draco, Pansy, yours was of quality. You two have passed my class."

"Crabbe, Goyle, yours was...mediocre...to say the least. No way are you passing my class. Not until hell freezes over, at least."

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