4. Believe in Me

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You're awaken in the morning by Hermione brushing her hair. She's humming a slight tune while the brush runs throughout her hair.

"For merlins sake, what time is it?" You groaned as you rubbed your eyes.

"It's 7:00 A.M. y/n, we overslept", Hermione answered, "come on, get up. Everyone is probably waiting for us in the great hall!"

"Overslept?! Merlin, you must be a mental!" Feeling groggy, you get out of bed and slip on your uniform.


Walking into the great hall, Hermione at your side, she waves at a group of people at the table.

"Goodmorning guys!" She says to everyone sat at the table.

"Hey y/l/n, hey Granger", George says as Fred turns to look at the two of you. But instead of looking at you, he looks behind you.

"If it isn't who I think it is. The traitor." You hear a familiar voice say behind you.

"Draco." You answered, turning around to see him standing over you.

"Just wait until your little friends over here find out you're a traitor, i can't wait to see the look on their faces. Especially the mud-blood over here." He growls and points at Hermione.

"Leave her out of this. I'm no traitor." You declared.

"And why is that? What will you do about it?" He mocked.

"How about what will YOU do about it? Go cry to Daddy and ask for his money?" You argued as the twins behind you chuckled.

Draco heard that comment and stormed away.

"Wow y/n that was a good one!" Fred cheered, giving you a fist bump.

"Anyways, are you alright?" You asked Hermione.

"Don't worry about me. He always does that", she answered "Fred, George, do you happen to know where Ron is?" She added.

"Not sure, last time i saw him was when he was given a detention last night. Walking the halls late again." George replied.

"Detention? It's our first day!" Hermione exclaimed, nodding her head.

In walked a red headed girl. She took a seat next to Fred.

"Hey. I'm Ginny. Are you y/n y/l/n?" She questioned as she held out her hand to shake yours.

"Indeed I am." You answered as took her hand and shook it.

You, Hermione, Ginny, Fred, and George talked for all of breakfast. You found out Fred and George are planning a huge welcome party in the Gryffindor common room tonight. It was supposed to be a surprise but, knowing Fred, he couldn't keep that from you.

It was time for your first class, you walked the beautifully architected halls with Hermione as you reached your first class, Potions.

Entering the class room, Snape is standing next to the doorway, glaring at you, like he always does. You sat next to Hermione, class went a lot faster than it did last year. Perhaps it's because last year you sat next to Draco. Draco was always a bad person to sit next to, he was honestly very stupid and never gave you answers.

Today seemed to go by very fast, you were just excited for the party tonight.

You left your last class of the day. You met back up with Hermione but this time she was with someone new who you seemed to recognize from last year.

"Are you Harry Potter?", you asked him, you can see a smile rise from his face.

"Yes I am. You are y/n y/l/n?",he replied.

"Yes! How did you know?",You asked, confused on why everyone here knew your name all of a sudden.

"What do you mean? You're the talk of the whole school!",Harry cheered, "everyone here knows who you are! You're popular, perhaps even more popular than me!", he added.

You laughed and rolled your eyes, "well it is very nice to meet you, Harry Potter."

"And you as well",He said back to you, adjusting his glasses.

"Well, me and y/n must be going, we have the big party tonight.", Hermione chimed in.

"I didn't take you for a partier! I remember last year we tried to have a party, you kicked everyone out of the common room so you could study!", Harry chuckled, touching Hermione lighting on the shoulder.

"I'm only going because the party is for y/n. She is a good person, so this party is well deserved for her", Hermione emphasized,"hope to see you there.", she added before turning around and walking away

You gave a light wave to Harry before following Hermione.

"How many friends do you have?", you asked.

Hermione seemed to turn her walk into a slight jog.

"Too many. I'll introduce you to the others tonight", she answered, "c'mon, we have to catch the staircase before they change positions."


Back in the dorm room, you get out a plaid mini skirt and a tight black tank top. Your major assets are very prominent in this outfit, but you don't seem to mind.

"Who do you think will be at the party tonight?", you question.

"Not sure. Hopefully most of the Gryffindors and maybe even some Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws, Hopefully no Slytherins", Hermione rambled on.

"You know that boy we met downstairs",you pause for a moment to recall his name, "Harry, he's nice. I hope he's there.", you emphasized, as you sat down on the edge of your bedside.

Hermione disregarded what you said as she got dressed into a oversized grey hoodie with a Gryffindor emblem embroidered onto it and a red mini skirt. she looked cute and comfortable at the same time.

"What time does the party start?", Ginny asked as she ran into the room, "WOAH. you guys look amazing! y/n are you sure you're not trying to find a Gryffindor guy tonight?"

"In about and hour. Thanks! And I'm too stressed to find someone to date tonight", you chuckled.

The hour flew by and before you knew it, you heard the first knock on the common room door.

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