8. Its a Pleaure, Mr. Constantine.

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AUTHORS NOTE: For the sake of this story, the Yule ball will take place a week before Christmas!

happy reading! :)

It was the day before the Yule ball. Everyone was getting the final touches of their looks together and here you were- without a partner.

You already had your gown picked out, and if no one were to ask you within the next 24 hours, you were just going to go as a third wheel with Hermione and Luna. Ginny was already going with Harry, and Neville was going with a Hufflepuff who you didn't know. You weren't even going to consider bringing a Slytherin. It was hard enough already trying to make everyone forget your Slytherin image. You also did not want to associate yourself with Draco and his friends again.

You were headed your newly-joined potions class, everyone in the halls snogging their dates for tomorrow nights ball.

Rolling your eyes, you enter the classroom for your first potions class. You decided to take up potions because you've always been interested in the subject, and plus it seemed like an easy A grade.

You enter the classroom to see none other than Ron sitting a 3 rows back.

"Great." You thought, trying not to roll your eyes.

Professor Slughorn noticed you standing in the door way. "Miss Y/N, our new potions student." He said, walking towards you. "Why don't you have a seat next to Mr. Constantine, second row back." He pointed towards the empty seat.

The seat right in front of Ron. "May this year be a fast one", you thought, walking over to the empty desk chair.

"Hi there. I'm Achilles. Achilles Constantine." He said with a wink and a smile. He was tan, had brown eyes that were so sharp they could pierce you, along with light brown hair that went just a little past his chin. He wasn't bad looking, but he definitely wasn't a super model either. Pretty average. He was sporting a blue robe.

"It's a pleasure, Mr. Constantine. I'm Y/N. What a curious name you have, I like it. Is it a family name?" You shook his hand, giving him a friendly smile.

"Not a family name. Just kind of a name my mum thought was quite nice. She said it symbolizes a strong war hero, but I'm not quite sure, really." He said, his attention being brought back to his school work.

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Ron staring at the two of you, he looked beyond jealous at the interaction going on right in front of him.

"That's nice. So this class, is it easy?"

He leaned towards you and began to whisper. "Well, it's different for everyone. I am an excelling student, so it is for me." He turned to Ron and continued. "Not so much for most students though."

You weren't the best student yourself, so you were a bit taken aback by him calling out Ron. You decided not to say anything, trying not to screw up any chance you had at making a new friend.


The class flew by and by the end, you were packing up your materials to head to your next class. Achilles said countless things during this class that proved to you that he was a douche.

"You know, I usually pay attention during class. It's okay for today though, since I couldn't stop myself from talking to a girl like you."

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