3. Trust the Process

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You tried to hide a smile. You knew this role was fit for you.

Dumbledore took the hat off your head, "Well, the sorting hat is never wrong. Perhaps this was meant to happen."

You stood up, trying not to jump up and down with excitement.

"Congratulations miss y/l/n! Go take your trunk to the great hall with you, we will have to make an announcement to the whole school", Dumbledore added, reaching out to shake your hand.

"Thank you! This is the best way to start off a new year!" You said and you shook his hand.

He handed you a Gryffindor uniform as you left the room.


Back in the Slytherin dormitory, you pick up your trunk and walk out. You take one more glance around the room before you leave.

"Where do you think you're going? Again?" Pansy questioned

"Home, hopefully." Draco interjected.

You turned around, gave them the middle finger, and walked out. No hesitation.

That felt good.

You've been waiting to do that since forever.

You feel the weight of 1,000 moons be lifted off your shoulders as you make your way to the great hall. You feel as if this is a new beginning, your life is finally getting back on track.


"I welcome all of you to another remarkable year at Hogwarts!" Dumbledore announced as the first years walked in. Every other year was sat at their house tables. "We will get you sorted into your houses presently, but i have an announcement to make", Dumbledore added. You felt your palms get sweaty. "For the first time in Hogwarts history, we have a student altering houses." Dumbledore declared as you felt as nervous as can be. "Miss y/n y/l/n, will you care to join me?" Dumbledore asked as you stood up. Looking over at Pansy and Draco, seeing them roll their eyes at you in disgust. His father will probably hear about this, you think to yourself.

You walk over to Dumbledore walks out from behind his podium.  "We have tried the sorting hat once more in my office. This time around, Miss y/l/n was given the Gryffindor house!" Dumbledore stated as he gestures for you to sit down with your new house. You can hear the applause of every house except Slytherin. You look over at them to see every single one of them silent. They all look at you like you have 10 heads, which isn't very strange for Hogwarts.

You take a seat at the Gryffindor table next to two red headed boys. They are definitely twins, as they are a spitting image of each other.

"Hi there! I'm George and this is Fred!" One of them say, pointing to the other twin sitting behind him.

"Hi Fred, hi George! I'm y/n y/l/n."

"Oh we know, Dumbledore just said!", the one sitting infront said.

"So what do you guys do in Gryffindor?"

"What every other house does. Just 10 times better", the one in the back said.

The three of you talked all evening in the great hall. Before you know it, Professor McGonagall was ordering everyone back to their dormitory.

Standing up, the one you thought was Fred chuckled, "oh by the way, we were just kidding. I'm actually George. and that one is Fred."

You laughed and rolled your eyes. You never laughed being a Slytherin. You already see a change and it's only been one day.

"Anyways, I'm not so sure where I'm going-" you tried to say but we're cut off.

"Don't worry. We were already planning on walking you to the dormitory", George insisted as he took your trunk from you.


You enter the dormitory, seeing all of the Gryffindors in the room pause and stare when you open the door.

"Why don't ya take a photograph, it'll last longer!" Fred told them all as he giggled. He had a quick wit that you admired.

You introduced yourself with a friendly smile, "Hi. My name is y/n y/l/n, I know I was a past Slytherin but I hope everyone here knows I have changed drastically since first year."

A girl with curly brown hair approached you quickly after everyone in the room went back to what they were doing.

"Hi there, I'm Hermione Granger!" she welcomed you as she took your trunk from George's hands.

"I assume you've met the Weasley twins? Just warning you, they can be a real pain sometimes." She laughed

"That's a whole bunch of bollocks, Granger. We make lovely company." George said as Fred rolled his eyes.

"Anyways, who else have you got to meet so far?" Hermione asked, "Just you three, I mean that's a good first day, right? When I was in Slytherin I barely met any friends!", you replied to Hermione.

"Well," Hermione Grinned, "I will introduce you to everyone tomorrow, let's go upstairs and get you unpacked."

You two ran upstairs as the twins waved you goodnight.


You and Hermione spent all night talking. You never felt this happy as a Slytherin.

"I'm so glad I finally have another girl as a Gryffindor, well, other than Ginny." Hermione cheered

"Who is Ginny?", You ask curiously

"Ginny Weasley. She is the sister of the twins you met earlier. I can introduce you to her tomorrow!" She grinned as she checked the time.

2:00 A.M.

"We better get to bed! We have a big second day tomorrow, our first day of classes!" Hermione exclaimed as she got into her bed. You've never seen someone so excited about going to class before.

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